chapter six

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" the biggest smiles are the ones hiding the most pain "


I scowled, throwing a knife at the closet door with a giant target painted in glittery pink nail polish. It stabbed into the wood, and I immediately tossed another.

What was the fuck wrong with me? What the fuck was wrong with Luke? Why were we a thing? An unofficial yet official thing.

The calender on my wall said 24, a fat red circle around it in sharpie. I wasn't excited, but the neighbors were as they set up speakers and foldable tables. Nonstop they chattered about what songs they were going to do karaoke on and who was going to work hungover tomorrow. The kids were bouncing around the unbusy street, kicking around a football and playing tag while teens helped set up.

Kill. Me.

I stood up reluctantly, pulling my knives from the door before shutting it. "Fucking hell, can the day be over already?" I mumbled, and the sound of our doorbell was radiating throughout the house.

"Michael, get the door. I look like shit." My mum snapped from her bedroom and I snorted.

"You are shit."

I went to the front door, opening it quickly with and sugar sweet smile on my lips. "Hey Mikey, are you guys participating in the party?" A middle aged woman asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, as always." I giggled and she handed me a flyer. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She grinned and then handed me another paper. "Also, Juliana Ugale has gone missing. If you see her, please contact me or her parents. It'd mean a lot."

"Of course."

"Also, Kevin Johanson has been missing for quite some time, but if you see anything, please tell us. We're all so worried and cops just seemed to have stopped investigating." She huffed, going on a rant on how we needed to protest against their 'laziness' and 'request better trained officers'.

"Yeah, yeah... right..." I trailed off, agreeing with her for the sake of being polite. "Well, I have to shower and clean up a bit. See you later."

"We better see you guys tonight." She laughed teasingly and I nodded, promising that she would.

She walked away and I grimaced slightly as I shut the door quickly. I ripped both of the papers up, tossing them inside of a nearby garbage. "Bitch can kiss my ass." I muttered, running a hand through my hair before heading to my room.

Party starts in a few hours, might as well get dressed so I can go out and buy some cheap, shitty cake to bring.


"What's this about a monthly neighborhood party?" Luke asked and I couldn't help my scowl. "You don't seem excited."

"No, really?" I snorted as I picked at the lace hem of my pale dress.

"I think it's nice that everyone wants to be friends with everyone. You could learn a thing or two from them." He hummed as he pulled his white t-shirt on. "Just saying."

"You need to fuck off, just saying."

"You're in my house." Luke reminded me and I flipped him off as he turned to look at me. "Why are you here?"

"You're the only kid I don't want to put a bullet in..." I answered and then rolled my eyes. "Let me rephrase that, you're the kid I don't want to kill as badly as everyone else."

"You're so negative." He poked at me and I grabbed his hands. "Stop saying you wanna kill everyone."

"Maybe I do."

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