Chapter One

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I wake to the smell of bacon and Mrs. Weasley's pancakes, noticing I am alone in Ginny's room. Once I slip out of bed, I take in my surroundings. The mess that is usually Ginny's room is now tidy and untouched, for she is often busing herself to keep from crying more. Fred's death took a toll on everyone, and we are all handling it differently.

Downstairs I can hear Mrs. Weasley shouting, "Ronald Billius Weasley! Stop tormenting your sister and go see if Hermione is awake!" Hearing this, I make my way to the stairs, and head towards the chaos of a Weasley morning.

At the bottom of the stairs I am met nose to nose with Ron. Laughing, I peck his nose and greet him, "Morning Ron."

Blush spreads across his freckled cheeks, "M-Mornin' Mione." He manages to stutter out.

After the war we soon got over the adrenaline of everything and decided to actually give dating a try, though I didn't realize he would want to go slower than I did, so actually getting him to do anything than short pecks here and there was a challenge. Swiftly I jump from the bottom step down next to him and grab his hand, dragging him in the direction of the kitchen. Upon reaching it I am greeted with red heads galore, Harry, and his god son Teddy. Bill left yesterday with Fleur and Charlie and Percy went back to their own lives. George was already at the shop for the day. Each of them trying to restore their lives.

"Oh, Hermione dear, what would you like to drink?" Mrs. Weasley asks me when I sit between Ron and Harry.

"Tea is fine, Molly." Right after the war Mr. and Mrs. Weasley insisted I call them Molly and Arthur. For the fact I may as well be their second daughter. Soon after I receive my breakfast I am emerged into conversation with Ginny and Harry about their move to Grimmauld Place to give Teddy a proper home.

Not even minutes into the conversation though a beautiful tawny owl flies through the window carrying four letters. All from Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley takes them into her hand and gives the owl a treat before it flies away. She hands them to the respective receiver and waits for the news with her hands on her hips.

Anticipation overtaking I rip mine open first. It reads:

Ms. Granger,

I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts has been restored to its former glory and would like to invite all seventh years from the previous year to redo their last year as 8th years. Now the rules will follow with previous years, though 8th years will be given certain advantages that will later be discussed. As for you Ms. Granger, I would like to congratulate you and make you Head Girl this year. You will be sharing a common room, dorm area, and schedule with the Head Boy. Later things will be discussed on your arrival at Hogwarts. Thank you and please inform me if you are returning no later than July 1st. The term will start September 1st. Again thank you.

Headmistress McGonagall

I look up with a large smile on my face. I found my Head Girl badge in the envelope as well as a list of supplies. Mrs. Weasley notices my overly large smile and gently takes my letter reading it quickly.

"Oh Mione! You made Head Girl! I'm so proud of you!" She exclaims while pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Do you have any clue who Head Boy will be?"

I shake my head, "No I thought it would be Harry." I let my eyes fall on his face. He met my eyes and shook his head.

"Well I guess we will know when we know." Ginny says while hugging me tightly. "I'm proud of you Mione."

"Thanks Gin. Maybe this will be a normal year after all." I sit and finish my breakfast thinking of how to respond to the letter.



I wake to a tapping on my window. Shuffling out of bed I open the latch to my window shoving it open, coming face to face with a silver owl holding a letter from Hogwarts. I take the ivory letter and the owl cocks it's head to the left at me. I huff and give it an owl treat. He takes it gratefully and bows his majestic head, before flying off to deliver more letters.

I sit on the edge of my red quilted bed and stare at it. It's heavier then a usual letter from Hogwarts and curiosity takes over. I rip it open carefully and begin to read the letter.

Mr. Malfoy,

Now Mr. Malfoy, I know of your secret that you don't wish the other students to know, so I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts has been restored to its former glory and would like to invite ALL seventh years from the previous year to redo their last year as 8th years. Now the rules will follow with previous years, though 8th years will be given certain advantages that will later be discussed. As for you Mr. Malfoy, I would like to congratulate you and make you Head Boy this year. You will be sharing a common room, dorm area, and schedule with the Head Girl. Later things will be discussed on your arrival at Hogwarts. Thank you and please inform me if you are returning no later than July 1st. The term will start September 1st. Again thank you.

Headmistress McGonagall

I intake a sharp breath. She knows. She knows I betrayed I fought. But not for him, but against him. Though the question is how? And does she know when I made the decision to do so. She couldn't possibly know...

Shaking the thought from my mind I walk to my door and swing it open.

"Mother!" I call down the hallway, getting an almost instant response.

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm attending another year at Hogwarts! And I made Head Boy!" At this I hear hurried feet up the stairs, down the hall, and to my door. I was met with a the breathless face of my mother.

"Really?" I nod and she brings me into a tight embrace. Since my father was sent to Azkaban her and I have gotten much closer. She quietly whispers, "I am so proud of who you are becoming Draco."

Hearing this I grip her tighter and sigh, hoping this will be a normal year.

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