Chapter Eight

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Hermione and I were dashing through the Great Hall rushing to get out of the crowd when we hit something and tumble down. Thinking it's a wall at first, I become quite confused. Then, my eyes reach Mione's face and the tears forming in her eyes. I let my eyes travel to were she is looking and am put at the hands of Weasley and Brown, they're interlocked fingers staring her right in the face.

Weasley's eyes stay on Hermione. More likely Hermione's hand, that is clutched onto my sleeve. His face is slowly turning red and he starts to shake. He's about to say something so I stand quickly, brush off my cloak, and hold a hand out for Hermione. Snapping out of her daze she grips it firmly. I lift her up and pull her around them. Once we are safely out of the vicinity of their range of hearing, she swings for the first thing she can hit. Which happens to be my face.

"Woah!" I catch her wrist before her fist collides with my nose, almost like it did in third year. I've had her right hook hit me in the face once, it doesn't need to to happen again. "Mione! Calm down!"

"Sorry. I just... he pisses me off so much. I hate him." Her teeth are gritted and poison laces her voice. I grab her shoulders and start to shake her playfully. At first she's confused, but soon starts to laugh and ask me to stop as she's getting dizzy.

"Better?" She nods. "Good, now let's look at our classes and see what we have. Here give me yours and we can compare."

Handing me the slightly crumpled paper I scan it for her classes.

Granger, Hermione Jean
Year: 8
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Classes
Period 1: Care for Magical Creatures
Instructor/Professor: Rubeus Hagrid
Period 2: Transfiguration
Instructor/Professor: Xavier Rhys
Period 3: Herbology
Instructor/Professor: Pomona Sprout
Period 4: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX
~ Lunch ~
Period 5: Potions
Instructor/Professor: Horace Slughorn
Period 6: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Instructor/Professor: Aberforth Dumbledore
Period 7: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX

Tuesday and Thursday Classes
Period 1: Care for Magical Creatures
Instructor/Professor: Rubeus Hagrid
Period 2: Charms
Instructor/Professor: Fillius Flirwick
Period 3: History of Magic
Instructor/Professor: Katilina White
Period 4: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX
~ Lunch ~
Period 5: Muggle Studies
Instructor/Professor: Rosemary Crantz
Period 6: Astronomy
Instructor/Professor: Aurora Sinistra
Period 7: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX

After I finish scanning hers I scan my own schedule.

Malfoy, Draco Lucius
Year: 8
Monday, Tuesday, Friday Classes
Period 1: Care for Magical Creatures
Instructor/Professor: Rubeus Hagrid
Period 2: Herbology
Instructor/Professor: Pomona Sprout
Period 3: Transfiguration
Instructor/Professor: Xavier Rhys
Period 4: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX
~ Lunch ~
Period 5: Potions
Instructor/Professor: Horace Slughorn
Period 6: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Instructor/Professor: Aberforth Dumbledore
Period 7: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX

Tuesday and Thursday Classes
Period 1: Care for Magical Creatures
Instructor/Professor: Rubeus Hagrid
Period 2: Charms
Instructor/Professor: Fillius Flirwick
Period 3: History of Magic
Instructor/Professor: Katilina White
Period 4: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX
~ Lunch ~
Period 5: Muggle Studies
Instructor/Professor: Rosemary Crantz
Period 6: Orchestra
Instructor/Professor: Fillius Flitwick
Period 7: Free Period
Instructor/Professor: XXX

"Well we have almost all our classes together. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we have everything but while you have Herbology, I have Transfiguration, and while you have Transfiguration I have Herbology. And on Tuesday's and Thursday's while you have Astronomy I have..." I mumble the last word so she can't hear me. I have Orchestra while she has Astronomy and I'm not the proudest about my musical talents. I was able to keep it secret all through my early year and Flitwick was kind enough to respect I wanted it kept quiet, so I never played concerts but often performed solos during class to make up the grade.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last part." She says and reaches for her schedule, as well as mine. I give her hers, but pocket mine quickly.

"We should head to Hagrid's before everyone files out to classes." She nods eyeing my pocket suspiciously but gives in and pulls me along to the outer grounds.


Once out to Hagrid's people finally start to head out to their respective classes. Hagrid is smiling at the crowd forming around his hut. It isn't too large, since it isn't really required after third year unless your job that you are going for requires more than a year of it. There's two Gryffindor boys that seem to be fifth years, three Ravenclaws, a girl and two boys. All seem to be sixth years as I've seen them before. There's no other Slytherins than myself, but there is a Hufflepuff, I believe he is named Charlie Forest and is in Mione and I's year. He is staring longingly at the back of the Ravenclaw girl's head that's standing behind Mione.

"Right, everyone 'ere? Good. Let's get started then."


My first three classes had gone smoothly. I walked Hermione to her Transfiguration class then I headed to Herbology. Afterwards we passed each and screamed about how we would beat other to the library afterwards. She laughed loudly and sprinted down the halls past me. And I followed example. Once our free period came around we met at the library, but decided the lake would be the best spot to study.

Once we arrive to a sitting area near the castle Hermione sets her bag down next to the tree and magics a blanket we can sit on. We both plop down and she sits reading while I lay down and stare at the trees.

"Draco?" She speaks up after a few minutes of content silence. I feel her thin long fingers start to stroke my hair.

"Hmm?" I hum and close my eyes at the comforting gesture.

"Why won't you tell people you play cello?" She whispers, now slowing playing with my hair.

I open my eyes and stare up at her, "How do... how do you know about that?" My eyebrows burrow together as I try to figure out how she would know.

"I heard you. For years. I would walk past the music room on my way to the library. It was calming. And soon after I found the route I would notice a cellist playing alone. I wasn't tall enough to see through the window yet, but once I was, I saw you, playing. And I knew, that's when I knew you weren't all bad." She's still playing with my hair when I sit up and stare at her in disbelief. She just smiles at me warmly.

"I..." She stops me from saying anything else.

"Near the end of fifth year though, you started playing sadder songs. More soulful. And I remember the last time I saw you. You stopped mid note, and snapped— " she pauses pulling her hand away and looking at her hands in her lap. "— snapped your bow. You threw it across the room and started throwing stands around. Tears were streaming down your face and I rushed behind a suit of armor when you stormed out. That was the last time I heard you play. I waited by the door in sixth year, even hid behind the same suit of armor hoping to catch you coming to practice. What I caught instead was a broken boy walking swiftly past it. Only to slow at the door knob, then rush away."

Ashamed, I find interest in her hands just like she did. I just stare at them.

"Draco?" I look up at her. Her eyes are now searching my face for an answer to a question she hasn't even asked yet. "Will you play for me?"

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