Chapter Ten

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After class I had to use the restroom, so I asked Hermione to wait for me by the library doors, which wasn't too far off from the bathroom that I was headed too. She agreed, gave me a cheeky smile, and began in that direction.

I finish in the bathroom quicker than expected and fix my hair. I take my time on my way to the library. In no real hurry to do much. With Hermione around I get homework done fast, so I get to spend time with our friends often. I'm lost in thought about the up upcoming quidditch season when I see Hermione pinned to the wall by Weasel.

I can feel my face start to heat with anger. My heart is pounding in my chest. My vision blurs and I begin seeing red. I don't even realize what is happening until I see him yell in her face.

"You bitch!" He yells in her face and pulls his hand back to slap her. She shuts her eyes quickly and turns her head, waiting for contact. It doesn't happen. I don't let it happen. Without even realizing I had moved, I'm holding back his wrist.

Slowly and carefully she opens her eyes to find me holding Weasel's wrist back. Fuming with anger.

"Back. Away. From. Her. Now." I spit through my teeth. I'm in a blind rage. "Before you are the one asking me to stop kicking your arse and I fly over it pretending not to hear you."

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, Ferret. It's not like your her boyfriend. That role belongs to me." He sneers at me with an evil glint. He has her half pinned to the wall, his body turned to face me.

I pull my fist back, "This."

Next thing I know, my fist collides with his jaw.


I wake slowly, my hand and jaw pounding. I feel a firm mattress beneath my back and a hand on my own. I carefully open my eyes trying to remember what happened. I remember a lot of red, and anger. A lot of anger. Then the scene comes back to me. Weasley was attempting to force himself on Mione. I remember stopping him from slapping her. And I remember the first punch. After that the rage took over and I just was pounding the shit out of his face. I remember with each blow the pain I felt towards him. The fact he hurt Hermione. The attempt to force himself on her. All of it. But mostly for me. All of the pain he has made me feel over the years for something I couldn't control. After a while the blocked out noise rose to the surface and I could hear Hermione screaming for me to stop. That he wasn't worth it. Soon after, Harry and Blaise were pulling me off of the git. I started to calm down and Hermione watched me with terrified eyes. I knew then I wasn't safe for her. That I couldn't fall harder for her then I already had. I had to find a way to get away from her. To keep her safe. But that's when Weasley got up, and punched me back square in the jaw.

My eyes finally adjust to light and I realize I'm in the hospital wing. And Hermione is holding my hand.

"Draco..." Murmuring, she strokes my hair. "How are you feeling?"

"I hurt. Everywhere." I laugh clutching my jaw.

"Thank you. For stopping him. No one was in the hall to stop him. So I'm glad you came when you did."

"Mione... Granger, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't befriend me... if that hadn't happened he wouldn't have blamed me for your break up" I sit up and examine my bloodied hand. I look over and find Weasel out cold next to my bed. "What happened when he knocked me out?"

"Harry hit him with a minor knock out spell. He carried you, while Blaise dragged Ronald to the hospital wing by his foot." She laughs to herself, remembering the image. "He purposefully hit every uneven stone on the way so he knocked his head."

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