Chapter Seven

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I left Hermione's room with flaming cheeks. I'm blushing. And I don't know how I feel about it. It's Granger for god's sake! I may not hate her for her blood, but there has always been a rivalry between our grades, among other things. Hell, our houses are the most determined and competitive houses there are! I'm supposed to hate her. But... I can't... I love her. I always have. But she could never love me back. Why am I even kidding myself? I don't realize I have my hands over my eyes until I feel a hand on my cheek and a warm body in front of me. I slowly uncover my eyes and find bright, concerned, brown eyes watching me intently.

"Draco, is everything alright?" She asks. Shes crouched in front of me and god... She's beautiful. Her hair is pulled back in a French braid. She doesn't wear much make up, only mascara and chapstick. She doesn't need it though. I give her a bright smile. Her freckled cheeks follow in example, and lift in a small, shy smile.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She takes her hand away from my face and examines her own with her pocket mirror. I want to laugh and kiss her nose and tell her everything about her is perfect. I don't. I just shake my head and stand. And grab both our things.

"There's nothing, c'mon let's go to the Great Hall to get out timetables then head to class." She nods and puts her mirror away. She checks herself and makes sure her sleeves go to her wrists. I can't think of why, she has beautiful arms. I shake it off and let it slide to the back of my mind as I open the door for her and hand her her book bag.

"Thank you kind sir." She gives me a mocking tone. I reply with as much sarcasm.

"You're welcome madame. May I escort you to the Great Hall?" I hold out my elbow and she slips her arm through and laughs. We walk to the Great Hall together chatting and laughing. Some stare at us. Most say hi, to not only Hermione, but me as well. We are a few halls away when a very cheery Luna crosses our path.

"Oh, Draco, Hermione. Morning, how might you two be?" Her voice is sweet and dreamy. Luna has been my friend for a while and would constantly voice that she will always forgive me. Which she did. When she was trapped in my manor, I often was able to slip downstairs and chat with her or bring her and the others some food. She and my mother are the only two that I've told about my love for a certain bookworm.

"Splendid Luna, how are you?" I ask her holding out my other elbow for her to take. She smiles gratefully and takes it, strolling along with us.

"I'm wonderful, Neville told me he loved me last night before he dropped me off at my common room. I was so happy I almost wasn't able to say it back." She smiles to herself with a certain far off look she often has.

"Oh that's wonderful Luna. I'm so happy for you." Hermione smiles and releases my arm once we each the entrance to the Great Hall.

Luna hugs her and responds, "Oh, and I'm so happy for you two as well. Thank you so much for the escort." She kisses Hermione's cheek and skips off to the Ravenclaw table. I turn to say good bye to Hermione but she's already on her way towards McGonagall for her timetable. I start to pick up my pace and I find myself almost knocking her over when she stops.

"Ah, Ms. Granger. Mr. Malfoy. Timetables?" We nod and she hands us our papers. Before we are able to walk off she stops us.

"I told you both in your letters there are new rules to be issued to the 8th years and your duties. Now it's Monday, so you have rounds until midnight tonight. I also would like you to have a prefect meeting after classes before dinner. Now as for the rules. All rules apply to you unless in an absolute emergency. Now I get you are both eager to get to your first class of the day but I would like you to please be seated in your proper house tables and listen to my announcements. Then you may leave before breakfast officially starts." We nod and glance at each other before heading to our tables.



I sit next to Ginny and across from Harry. "Morning Ginny, Harry, how was last night?"

"Fine. I missed you." Gin hugs my side.

"Mine was horrid Hermione. Ron wouldn't stop going on about how you'll come back to him and how Lavender is only a fling. Though, after you two left the Great Hall last night everything was quiet, that is until Lavender started squealing and jumped up then tackled Ron!" He chuckled. "He wasn't expecting it and she knocked them both over. He looked at me and said, "What the bloody hell have I done?" And I just told him the worst mistake of his life and laughed."

"That sounds horrid." I spit through my teeth. Soon McGonagall clears her throats causing a silence to brush over the hall.

"Good morning Students! If you have not yet received it, please come receive it before breakfast is over. Now I mentioned that the 8th years will have new rules. They will get two free periods instead of one this year. Instead of their curfew being 10 it is now 11. They also are allowed to go to Hogsmeade after school, as long as their grades are doing well. So keep up with your classes. Now we also have some arrivals today."

McGonagall turns and refers to the side door. Aberforth Dumbledore. With him is a tall and thin, long nosed woman with striking blond hair and warm brown eyes. She is wearing bright purple cloaks and has a warm smile. Following them is a man with red hair and brown eyes, eyes too brown to be a Weasley. He has a stocky build and many battle scars, he is wearing a quilt and white shirt. "May I introduce your new Muggle Studies teacher, Professor Rosemary Crantz, your new Transfiguration teacher, Xavier Rhys, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Aberforth Dumbledore." A large applause follows. They each wave and take their seats. "That is all for this morning. Now, breakfast. Enjoy." She takes her seat.

Meeting eyes with Draco he and I dash to the entrance of the Great Hall, ready to get out of here. Just as we meet up and are about to exit I bump into a female around my size and he bumps into the male that the females clutching to. Ron and Lavender.

Saving Mr. MalfoyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя