Chapter Three

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I have to say, I was quite shocked to receive a letter from Hogwarts. Especially one making me Head Boy, but that was no where near the shock I felt when I received the invitation for Potter's 18th birthday.

I have just finished packing for the train tomorrow, when mother called me down to leave.

"Draco, sweetheart, it's time to head to the Burrow." I close my trunk and make my way downstairs.

The manor is barely recognizable. Instead of the dark and gloomy interior it used to be, it's now a forest green, cream, and brown color. The formal furniture has been replaced with leather couches that mold around your butt. The paintings of critical pureblood relatives have been replaced by the portraits Mother had done of us, where we are actually smiling. Some of the pictures of us are caught mid laughter. The smaller pictures are the happy ones of my childhood with my best friend, Blaise Zabini and I, and there's even one with Mother and her sister Andromeda when they were younger. Mother also has taken up gardening and painting. So the house is filled with flowers, and potted plants. The garden is as lively as ever and bright. Her paintings fill empty spaces, more filling them each day. I smile as I pass one where I'm dumping a bucket of water on Blaise's head and he isn't suspecting a thing.

Mother is waiting by the new marble fireplace and she sets her book down when she sees me.

"Ready to go Mother?" She nods, kisses my cheek and we apparate to the Burrow.

The place of our landing is the entrance to the large white tent that, I should think, is hosting the party. I brush the dust off my red sweater and look around. Blaise was also invited, as well as Parkinson. I scan faces but only see them when I hear Parkinson's laugh. I find them at a table holding hands and snacking on some food I've not seen before. I watch for a moment as Blaise kisses Parkinson's cheek and I smile. They kissed during the war, knowing anything could happen at any moment, and stayed together afterward. I make my way towards them, after watching Mother make her way towards Aunt Andromeda and Mrs. Weasley.

Pansy sees me first and gives me a smile, then a disgusted look.

"What is it now Parkinson?" I ask while rolling my eyes.

"Red? Why red? Where's your Slytherin pride?"

"Red happens to be my favorite color. And now that Father is in Azkaban, I can bloody well wear it, without being called a traitor to the family." I sneer. She puts her hands up in defense and let's it go, before she starts gossiping about a girl she wants to set me up with.

It's true. Red has always been my favorite. My room now has dark red walls with a ebony rim and white carpet. My bed is a dark ebony with red sheets and blankets. I finally get to be me.

I finally start listening and realize, Parkinson is trying to set me up with Astoria Greengrass. A pureblood that comes from an even more blood prejudiced family than I do.

"And why would you think I would want to be with a prejudiced pureblood that doesn't accept the fact Voldemort lost." I finally snap. At this her face turns red and Blaise finally starts to pay attention to what is being said between his best friend and girlfriend. Before she can say anything I abruptly stand, "I'm heading to the loo. I'll be back." And I stride over to where Mother is speaking to Mrs. Weasley and Harry.

"Happy birthday Potter." I say and shake his hand. What Weasel and Granger don't realize is I've been sending and receiving letters from Potter all summer, trying to regain the man I wanted to be as a child. "Mrs. Weasley, do you mind informing me of the direction of the washroom?"

"Why yes dear, it's right up stairs, second door up on your right. And if you see Ginny, tell her Hagrid's arrived and needs her help soon." I nod curtly and thank her before heading into the house.

The first thing I notice is the homey feel it has with it. Everything is cluttered and disorganized, but everything has a place, comes from something with a meaning. It smells like home. I wander over to the stairs and am about to ascend them when busy hair and green run into my chest, knocking us both to the floor.

Looking up, my eyes meet dark chocolate ones, filled with sadness and lost hope. I scan the rest of the face and find Hermione Granger as beautiful as she was the day I met her. Her eyes scan my face, her freckle covered cheekbones are dusted with glitter, her eyebrows are knit together like they always are when she's deep in thought. Her plump lips are pouted out a bit and I have this tugging feeling to lung forward and kiss them. I don't. I couldn't. Not after years of tormenting her so my father wouldn't beat me for being in love with a muggleborn. Not after what happened in the now locked and sealed room of my manor.

"Sorry about that Malfoy," she mutters. Snapping out of my shock though it was only for a few moments and stand to brush off my pants.

I offer her my hand and she takes it. She starts to walk away from me, but something comes over me and I grab her wrist before she can leave. All I can feel are sparks and I do something I never imagined myself doing. I pull her into a tight hug. She smells like lavender shampoo and old books.

Under my breath I mutter, "I'm so sorry, Hermione. Maybe one day you can forgive." Saying it so quietly she can't hear me. She shakes her head and pulls back.

She whispers, a hint of nervousness laced in her voice, "Glad you could make it to the party."

She stands there for a moment then brushes past me. I watch her walk away and out to the party. She heads towards Hagrid and doesn't look back. The urge to run at her spin her around and kiss the living day lights out of her haunts me and makes my heart heavy. Ignoring my instincts, I head up the stairs to the bathroom, passing Weaslette on my way.

"Oh, Draco, Harry told me you were coming. Glad you could make it."

I give her a small smile for using my name and nod, "Thank you Ginny. Oh, your mother told me to tell you Hagrid is here and needs you to do the thing. I have no idea what it means but I'm guessing you do."

She nods in response and thanks me before rushing down the stairs. I laugh to myself and head into the bathroom.

I fix my hair after I use the facilities and make sure my sleeves go to my wrists. The reminder of my mistakes is still branded on my arm. I start to make my way down the stairs. Stopping at the bottom, I hear a girl giggle from the direction of the kitchen. I sneak around the corner to see and am faced with Weasel #6 snogging on a bushy haired girl's neck. Thinking it's Hermione, my heart clenches in pain, but watching further I notice it's that Brown girl he dated in 6th year. I hold back a gasp.

Weasel is cheating on Hermione. And I have no idea what to do.

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