April 9, 2017

52 5 0

What. The. Hell

What the hell is wrong with the black fairy. She's like the women who have lost children and kidnap a baby because the grief is too much, but gone so horribly wrong. She doesn't love the children she steals, she torments them. And she's ripped Gideon's heart out and taken control of him. She's sick. The poor boy held tight to his belief that he's a hero, he is his mother's son, and she took that away. Look at what all she's made him do.

Is anyone else seriously hating Blackbeard? Killian didn't TECHNICALLY double cross him, he had no idea that bean would take him to Neverland. But I am loving the effort he's making to get back to Emma.

Speaking of Emma, she's done. She's so over being jerked around. She used her magic to choke Gideon and hit him so hard he bled. And she's in such a hard place. This is Belle's son, she thinks he's acting on his own free will and she obviously can't just roll over and take it. She has to protect herself and her loved ones.

I understand Belle's predicament. I have children and I would do anything for them, but her son is also trying to kill Emma and anyone who gets in his way. However, since, again, he's not doing this willingly, they need some way to stop him without killing him. Maybe paralyze his magic or something.

I don't know. I'm just over these damn cliffhangers 😂

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