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I'm so sad for my loves right now! They're spinning around the dance floor, enjoying their special day, and they're hit with a curse! Like seriously, the Black Fairy is the worst villain ever. For about a minute I sympathized with her, she was ripped from her son. Even after choosing her power first I can't imagine being separated like that from my children. But now I don't think I've ever hated a villain more.

Who was your favorite in the musical? I loved Regina's song, she's so hilariously sinister. But Zelena had such a beautiful voice! It was so melodious. I've been singing for 12 years now and I appreciate a good musical and this one was amazing!

They fit the singing in perfectly with the plot. I was worried a musical just randomly there in the series would seem out of place, but it ended up working out. When it's something you enjoy, singing can be very therapeutic, it's good to see it used as something to pick Emma up off her feet (literally😂")

I ugly cried during the vows, I'm glad my husband wasn't in the room (he hates musicals) because I wasn't even that emotional at my own wedding. I was a nervous wreck because it was storming and I had an outdoor wedding. But that was beautiful, rooftop weddings in the evening are goals for when I renew my vows 😍

I adore Regina and Zelena being real sisters and working together, especially after Zelena's sacrifice. I despise Rumple and his mom. As I recall, when Regina teamed up with Cora in an evil plot, it didn't work out very well. Fingers crossed that if the Black Fairy dies she takes him with her, I'm sick of his shit. He's had more chances than anyone, he can't even stop doing this for his son and wife. Although I admit, if somehow all that stuff that his mother did to cut his fate and turn herself evil was somehow undone, I'd love to see a happy ending for everyone. Gideon and Belle deserve that much.

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