April 16, 2017

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Peter Pan came along and I couldn't stand the little shit, then comes Zelena who I'm loving now, Cora, I can go on and on. But the Black Fairy is by far the worst. Maybe I'm touchy about it because I have children but people who steal them are despicable. Even worse that she abandoned her own son and tormented her grandson for 28 years. Also, I have to wonder if Gideon knows the Black Fairy is really his grandmother. I'm hoping the love Belle has for her son is enough to somehow break the hold on him. True love can conquer all on this show.

I can't believe the Charmings woke up mid-curse. I can understand the need to be with their daughter, and can't imagine the strength it took for them to give that and each other up for a second time to ensure she saves everyone. And now they're both away and there for her again, and they put her first by allowing her to go get Hook.

On that subject. Emma charged into the lost boys like "get away from my pirate!" Girlfriend is so over being separated from him and all this nonsense! She's snapped. But now he's there and his proposal almost made me cry ugly tears because all I could ever picture was "what do you say, Swan?" It's just his style!

And it was kind of refreshing seeing Regina as the Evil Queen again. Lana is so good at playing that character. I don't love many villains but the Evil Queen is awesome!

Happy Easter everyone and please discuss here. My husband can't stand shows like this so he's never good for me to rant and rave to 😂

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