4-30-17, OMG!

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So much to get through! I just finished watching.

Anyone else getting a sense of deja vu? I seem to recall Peter Pan telling Rumple they could be a family again, trying to get in his head so he could win and keep his power. And Regina teaming up with her mother, and look what happened. I knew the moment Rumple showed up to Granny's after they didn't show him defeating her that he gave in. I kind of get it, but she still chose power over him and tormented Gideon after stealing him. And I still don't understand why she steals children, I guess because she was sent away from her own son. But you would think she would try to be this kind fairy godmother.

Being a mother myself, I would be a wreck if I knew my son was destined to die, but look where it got her. She drove herself insane and ended up going dark after being willing to kill Tiger Lily, who is no longer a fairy and we STILL don't know why! In the beginning I could see the love in the Black Fairy's eyes when she cradled her son, but when she got the taste of the power she didn't want to let go. And then to see Rumple's father act the way he did, blaming an innocent baby. And then Blue and Tiger Lily just left Rumple there. Things would be different if they had seen the resentment in Peter Pan's eyes and realized the baby wouldn't be safe.

That was an entirely new twist, finding out Rumple was originally destined to be a Savior, until his mother cut his destiny away. I thought that to protect Belle and Gideon he would stick to his guns and kill the Black Fairy. How many times has he been involved in a plot against Emma and things went his way???

Speaking of Emma, I'm royally pissed off for her. It's her wedding day and now the Black Fairy is still looming over them. And I swear if she interrupts the ceremony or reception I'll scream.

Now I see how the musical episode plays out, somebody casts a spell that makes everyone break into song. I just want to see Emma singing and dancing too! Maybe they cast it in Storybrooke too for some reason.

Also, I screamed when Zelena ran the Black Fairy over with that little car! Not so useless now 😏

We're finally there! The season finale and the wedding!

Episode Discussion: Once Upon a Time Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora