So i popped the question

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Lunch time has come. The one time of the school day I can sit back, relax, and eat something. I normally sit alone but as of yesterday Ken has joined me. It didn't take long. I started to ask a question but he stopped me. "I know you know something is up. I'll tell you everything in due time but for now just know you seem cool and you seem like you can hold your own. Your smart and quick, but that won't save you. I'm here to help." He said. "Save me? From what" I asked. " if I told you now than your expectation would throw off the surprise." He said. " what do you mean by surprise?" "Well I mean I came here in search of help, I'm not sure there is an escape or if I will live, and I can't guarantee that anyone around me will live either, but I can't survive alone." I didn't know what to say for a minute. I could tell that he wasn't lying but when someone tells you something like that you have to ponder it. The way he said it I knew he really needed help. "So when you said it wouldn't save me, you were really talking about saving you... and you think I may be able to?" I said "yes...I do" he said. "Well in that case I suppose that I can't turn you down now can I" I said with a smile. He said " you don't have to if you don't want to." His head was hung. His eyes, fixed on one spot and did not change. The only thing he knew right now was this topic and this conversation. He had no preservation of the world around him. To him everything around him right now was nonexistent and the only people in his world right now were me and him. My smile faded. "I have only known you for two days...but in those two days you have caught my eye and been a very suspicious person. I didn't know why at first but after last night I found out why. And from what you have told me now I think I can trust you. I'll help you in any way I can can" I held out my hand, and he clasped it the way Vikings shake hands.

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