New roomate?

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The next morning is Saturday so we have a football game. Considering the circumstances me and Ken both slept through it. I slept in the guest room on the air mattress while letting Ken rest in mine. When I wake up I go downstairs and realize that I had missed the game. " shit, coach is gonna have our asses." I grab a pop tart and some more painkillers as well as a water bottle, and go back up stairs. I walk in my room to check on Ken to find that he is just waking up. " easy there bud." He jumps back and screams. "Woah woah, it's just me your ok bro." I say. "Ho-how did I get here." He says holding his ribs which were obviously broken. "Here, smell this" I say as I hold a little container of flower. He sneezes in agonizing pain as he feels his ribs shift back. "Hey man, the fuck was that for." He calls. "Well, with broken ribs when you sneeze it sets them back into place." I said. "Shit did you find me?" "I didn't. I went to your house to see what was up and I found a note that was left. Said meet him at the field." I explained. "Him?" He asked. "Yea he said his name was Lt. James Carlos." I said. "And he just left me too you?" He asked. "Well...not exactly." I said back. " what do you mean he asked hesitating as he spoke. "He is pushing up daisies." I said. "Woah man that's crazy. Carlos is one of the best. How did you manage to kill a trained pro?" Ken said. "Well I just got lucky is all. Come on let's go grab some real food since you're up. We went down stairs and I started the stove top burner. I put on the pan sprayed it with some oil and let it heat up while I cracked some eggs. I set two more pans up, one for bacon, and one for pancakes. My mother comes downstairs delighted by the smell of fresh cooking bacon. "Who's down there cookin' up all my bacon?" She said with a grumbly voice that was obviously a joke. She walked in the kitchen and saw that I was cooking. "Blake, how come you never cook for me? I mean I had no idea you could cook, and why didn't you tell me you had a friend over, I would have gladly cooked some breakfast." She said to Ken "hi I'm Elizabeth." She said with a smile. " my name is Ken" he said " I just moved here from Colorado." "Oh that's nice Blake being nice to you? I know he can be a bit of a handful at times." She joked. " oh no ma'am he's been great to me as long as I've been here." He said back with a smile. She said "well that's nice, well Blake what's going on over there?" "What do you mean over here, it's all coming over there now. It just finished. Eggs, bacon, pancakes. Dig in." We all ate for a while before I said anything regarding men's situation. "Momma... some things happened with kens family and he really needs a place to stay. Any way we can make some room for him here for the time being?" My mom looked at me for a second pondering her options. Then she looked at Ken whose face was already red, but after he knew she was looking at him his face was even more red. " that will be ok for now, but Ken you will have some chores to help out with." "Of course ma'am anything I can do to help." He said back in both relief and joy. Well that would be the start of our journey.

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