Execution time

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I arrive at the school at 11:30 I move through the parking lot the the edge next to the woods. I get out wearing all black clothing for camouflage. My handgun in my holster custom made by my father to fit the 1911. My holster is made for the inside of my pants to reduce visibility so I plan to use it as a surprise. I maneuver through the woods until I reach the edge of the field. The lights on the field are on and in the center of the field was Ken. Ken was on his knees his head faced the ground and his hands tied behind his back. He was tortured. For 24 full hours the skin was being pulled from his body. Cuts all over from where he had been slashed over and over again. All he was wearing was some sweat pants. No shoes or shirt. The only thing covering his upper body was blood. But beside him was a phantom. A ghost. But not a ghostly figure of white. But the demonic figure of death. A reaper of sorts. The same aura from before is filling the air but not as thick. He wants me to see...to know what he was capable of...to know he can kill. I raise my rifle with intent to kill first. My sights hover it's temple and I'm sure my aim is perfect. I start to squeeze the trigger, but just before I shoot he looks. I haven't made any sound...any movement other than my finger. But his eyes shot to me and I hesitated. It wasn't like it heard an animal. Or like he was checking the area. His eyes made direct contact to mine and he knew it was me. I shot. My perfect shot had now been thrown by this phantom. I pushed forward. "Hands up, asshole" his hands went to the air" I could see now that it was in fact a man. " I must admit I didn't expect you to make preparations. Bravo!" He said. "Shut the fuck up!" I said back. Without hesitation I struck him with the but of my gun. He gave me an angered look as the aura broke and I could see clearly. His face, unrecognizable, was young and lively. He stood up quickly and in a flash he swiped a knife across the air aiming for my throat. I jumped back and pulled up my gun. Took four shots. He dodged them...all of them. "How the hell?" I asked. " I see Ken hasn't told you what you are up against, unfortunate but all the same to me. I had lowered my gun. I knew then that my bullets weren't going to help. "Lt. James Carlos of the black ox mercenary squad foxtrot one. Unfortunately I'm tasked with returning with Ken..." I interrupted. " then why? Why torture him? Why put him through this horrific experience?" "Look kid, I got orders... a mercenary has to carry out orders without fail. My orders were to torture him. Also my orders are to take out anyone who knows about this...sorry kid." He came at me with his knife full speed straight forward. Easy shot for me except the fact that he is a trained professional. I know what his plan is. I raise my gun and start to pull the trigger before the gun drops out of my hands to my right side. His facial expression changes, and his eyes fix on the gun. That's when I make my kill shot. One shot to the head. If I had hesitated he would have had more than enough time to process my second gun hidden in the holster. But no... if I had missed or failed both me and Ken would be no more. Nothing was left to be said the shot hit its mark. Right over his brow. His temple. I checked on Ken to see how critical his condition. He wouldn't scar but he will definitely need treatment. He is unconscious. I pick Ken up and walk him to my car, and take him back to my house. I set him in my bed and got to get rags, water, soap, and some painkillers. I was almost done cleaning his wounds when I noticed that he had a scar in the shape of two swords crossed. I wonder what that could be.

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