Chapter 5

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Hermione and Ron, two people who usually provided a welcome distraction could do nothing to pull Harry from his feverish thoughts.

Despite Hermione repeatedly telling him how for one, it was impossible for Draco to find out what Harry's amortentia smelt like and secondly how, even if he could, he was on the other side of the dungeon, right towards the back and therefore couldn't smell it even if it was possible, Harry was still going insane.

This was also not helped by Draco becoming somehow more attractive with the weather growing colder. His grey eyes were bright against the same coloured sky and when it was raining the morning of his next Potions lesson, his platinum hair was freckled with drops of crystal-like water.

The rain, however, made Harry's hair curl and gave him a resemblance to a sheep.

Not particularly attractive, especially when he was taunted enough for his hair being constantly messy, just like his father's.

Someone who Snape incidentally hated and, with his green eyes hidden by rain-speckled glasses, he, Ron and Hermione made their way to the long-awaited and long-dreaded potion lesson in which they would be disassembling amortentia.

Behind the trio, another three students were walking, or rather strutting as they owned the place. Malfoy in the centre, calling out insidious comments towards little Hufflepuff first years. Harry's heart beat wildly as he broke away from Ron and Hermione and bolted towards the dungeons.

The corridors of the castle had never felt longer and the stairs never so steep as Harry descended them, desperately trying to beat Malfoy and avoid his piercing stare, but finally he made it to the heavy door of the dungeons and darted inside.

Hey guys, double update! I went to Universal this morning and bought a time-turner and Ravenclaw hoodie and phone case. Call me obsessed... I may update later but I'm going back to Universal tonight so if not, I'll do it tomorrow.

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