Chapter 6

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As he regained his breath, Harry looked around at the classroom.

Each table was set with a cauldron, 7 empty vials and a glass of clear liquid. As more people made their way into the room, different scents started to waft towards him.

Twigg's Broomstick Polish came first, swiftly followed by his pine shampoo, treacle tart and chocolate. He was just starting to relax when


It hit him, the sharp scent of peppermint, stronger than all the others.

It was unmistakably Draco's signature scent and it was amplified when the owner of the smell walked into the room.

"God Potter, use a little less shower gel next time!"

What? Why could Draco smell his showers gel? He had run out last week and was borrowing Ron's 'Black Musk' instead. Unless....

"Sorry? Did you say you could smell my shower gel?"

"Yes Potter I did, learn to lighten up on it a little, it smells stro-"

Harry interrupted him "Draco. I haven't used that shower gel all week. That must be the amortentia"

Draco looked at him in horror, attempted to stutter a retaliation and bolted from the classroom leaving Harry wondering:

Why could Draco of all people smell his shower gel in his amortentia?

Could he? No, he couldn't possibly...did Draco Malfoy have feelings for Harry?

Here's the next chapter as promised! It's really short but as you can probably tell from the last line, it's pretty crucial to the storyline. Let me know if you liked it and make sure to follow me and add it to your library for notifications when I update!

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