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Written by: musicalromantic

Peter Lewis Wentz

I promised myself that I would not go to the ball. Kristen would not want me there- I was just her tailor's son... But some part of me begged and pleaded to let me go there. Michael will be there, the voice poked. You want to see him, the voice prodded. It took a lot of convincing and doubting, but finally, that little voice won. I was going to go to Kristen's ball.

And now here I was, standing with my usual awkward stance... The one that made me oh-so-endearing...

Nobody knew who I was, and that was exactly how I wanted it. I knew none of the cockroaches, and none of them knew me. Except one. We were very familiar with each other. I had actually done the unthinkable and managed to convince Patrick to come along, who had decided that the idea of sneaking into an aristocrat's ball would be an adventure which was a typical thing for Patrick to want.

As of now, I am searching the sea of masks for Michael. It will not be hard for me to find him, I know it. I know him. I have taken his measurements twice now so it should not be that difficult. I know the way he holds himself- the way that makes him seem proud, but not better than anyone else. I know the way he stands with his awkward knees and his hands- which he never knows where to put. I will very easily be able to pick him out of a crowd.

The difficult part will be getting him alone. Michael will not go quietly since he had no idea who I am. As much as he is intelligent, he can also be quite oblivious, especially when he has no idea that I would be here. As I look around the large hall, I notice several differences between Michael and Kirsten's balls. The cockroaches dance a lot more at Kirsten's than they had at Michael's, and half of me really wants to know the reason. Does it have to do with the gender of the host? Or perhaps Kirsten just wants people to have fun while Michael expects people to act proper...? I honestly have no idea. These masks do nothing for these people. I can pick out half of these people without their faces to look at and the thought amuses me. Did they really have no idea who anyone else was?

I jump as Patrick grabs my arm, pulling me out of my daze. I look up at him, curious of what he wanted from me.

"I'm going to go get some food, do you want me to get you anything?" Patrick is wearing a dark neon mask and I can barely hear as he whispers to me. The talking and the music makes it very hard to hear. I shake my head, pushing him on his way.

"No thank you."

The only thing I am interested in looking for is Mikey. Michael. I meant Michael. Surely he was coming to Kristen's party? She was so excited for him to come to her party and who was he to crush a young girl's heart? Not that Michael was a stranger to breaking hearts.

That's when I spot him. He is talking to Kirsten. They are dancing together and I could easily see how he much prefers his and Kristen's conversation than he had with that girl at his own party. Michael and Kirsten move together so smoothly and they are actually talking with each other. They are not just staring blankly and smiling at each other under their masks, they are actually talking. And it makes me wonder exactly what the hell they are talking about.

Suddenly, Kirsten whirls away from Michael and I take this as my cue to go and approach Michael Way. As I walk through the crowds of people, Kirsten appears at the top of the stairs and is announced. She looks completely radiant as she began down the stairs, and I can't help but smile at how large her own smile is. As I near Michael, I hear the words fall from his lips quite so clearly.

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