Letter #9

259 27 15

Written by HellaBrendon


Dear Peter Wentz,

Going to the tailor's shop is still not the same without you, though, if you were wondering, your father seems to be holding the place well together. Patrick, who is now the tailor's apprentice after the untimely death of his father in a factory accident, has told me you fled to the Americas, to indulge in the freedom and independence of their revolution.

How is it in the new world? Have you found another man, or perhaps a woman, who caught your fancy? I'm sending this letter in the post, to the address Patrick gave me, I hope it gets to you. I hope you read it. I hope you reply, too. I miss you.

Gerard and Lindsey's darling daughter reminds me of you in the way she looks at the world like she's going to change it – and though I have been unable to bring myself to touch Kirsten in the way I should, I hope that one day I will have children that are anything like you.

I wish that in that time of marriage, I had the mind to hire you as a gentleman. Gerard's own gentlemen keeps him company on lonely nights. Sometimes, though I know it is not ideal, I wish I could have kept your eyes in my life.

I hope you are happy, in that wild side of the world, that your revolutionary ideas are still ruling your heart. I'm a doctor now, and every day I get to treat patients and keep them from dying. I think you would have liked that.

Upon my father's death Kirsten and I adopted two children from the orphanage, a girl we named Rowan Louise, and a son we named Peter Kingston. Every day, I get to experience a beautiful aspect of their personalities that didn't exist the day before.

Though I am happy – I am thankful for my wife, for my children, for my patients, for my brother – a day does not go by without me thinking of you and that last night that I spent with you. I will never forgive myself for not being able to prevent your tears, my Romeo.

Let me you know if you ever return to England, or consider doing so, I'd be more than happy to pay your passage there and back, if you so desire. Hurry back, Romeo, your Juliet awaits you. If to see you for nothing more than a friendly get together.

My son hears daily about his namesake, the beautiful revolutionary. May God be with you, Peter. I will love you, for always and forever, no matter how far apart we are.

Kind regards from yours truly,
Lord Michael Way.

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