Dinner With the Family

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I felt really bad because the whole time I was at the beach I was thinking about that stupid phone call and not even paying attention to my hot ass girlfriend, what kind of jackass does that. I really needed to make it up to her so for now the phone call is the least of my worries and the only thing that matters is Kendall.

When I got home I showered first and then changed. I still had an hour before I needed to be at the Kardashian-Jenner house but I decided to leave now since I had to make a small stop on the way.

On the way to the Kardashian-Jenner house I stopped at the florist to pick up some flowers for Kris and some for Kendall.

When I got to Kris' house I noticed that I was the first one here even though I was only 5 minutes early but that's the girls, they're always fashionably late.

I got out of my car and checked myself one last time in the faint reflection of myself in the car door. I walked up to the front door and took a big breath before knocking on the door, this was the first time me and Kendall would be going to Kris' house since we started dating and the only ones who don't know about us from her family were Kris and Caitlyn.

The door opened and it revealed a very smiley Kendall. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey y/n/n, I missed you baby," Kendall said.

"I missed you too but we were only apart for a few hours," I said chuckling and pulling away from the hug.

"I know but even that was too long," she said making me chuckle and shake my head.

"I got you and your mom flowers," I said holding the flowers out to her.

"Oh my god y/n you're so adorable," Kylie said entering the entryway with Kris.

"Kendall are you just going to keep y/n out on the front porch or are you gonna invite her in?" Kris asked making Kendall move out of the doorway and motion for me to come in.

"Mom y/n got me and you flowers," Kendall said handing one of the bouquets to Kris.

"That's so nice of you, and they're my favorite," Kris said taking the flowers and pulling me into a hug, "I wish my kids were as thoughtful as you." Her comment made Kendall and Kylie roll their eyes which made me laugh.

"Make yourself at home, I'm going to finish up the rest of dinner," Kris said walking back to the kitchen and we walked toward the living room.

"So when are you guys gonna tell my mom," Kylie asked me and Kendall as we sat down and I looked toward Kendall to answer the question.

"Um I was thinking tonight since we'll all be together," Kendall said I nodded.

"Wow that's a pretty big step are you guys ready?" Kylie asked.

"I'm ready but that doesn't make me any less nervous," I said giving a light-hearted laugh.

"I'm not as nervous, my mom loves you and she's always been super supportive so I think she'll love that we're dating," Kendall said and grabbed my hand. We started talking about random things when we heard a knock at the door and Kendall got up to go answer.

"So we have that Tenn Vogue thing in two days just so you know," Kylie said smiling.

"Yeah I'm kinda nervous about it though," I said playing with my fingers.

"There's no need to be nervous y/n/n you'll do great," Kylie said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Ky," I said smiling back at her.

"Y/N/N!" I heard Gigi, Bella, and Hailey yell before they tackled me in bone crushing hugs.

"Girls I need to breath," I managed to get out.

"Sorry," Hailey said and they all pulled away from the group hug before sitting down.

"So Kenny told us that you're breaking the news to Kris today, you nervous?" Gigi asked me.

"Beyond nervous actually," I said making them laugh.

"You shouldn't be, Kris loves you," Hailey said and the girls nodded.

We all talked about random things until the guys showed up. Dinner wasn't quite done so we stayed in the living room and talked.

"So y/n, we record that song next week are you ready?" Zayn asked and I smiled big.

"Yeah, I mean I think so," I said to him.

"Well I know you'll do amazing, everyone will want to do a song with you after this," Zayn said making me go red.

"Guys dinner is ready!" Kris called to us. We all got up and everyone walked into the dining room except me and Kendall, Kendall walked over to me and intertwined our fingers.

"It'll be fine, she loves you, and so do I," Kendall said making me stare at her in awe, "I love you y/n." Hearing those words made my heart beat faster and all I could do for a second was stare at her. She is so beautiful and I feel so lucky to be able to call her mine.

"I-I love you too Kenny," I said and she placed her soft lips on mine. We pulled away and smiled at each other and then walked to the dining room.

I wasn't expecting it but everyone was here which doubled the pressure. Even Scott, Kanye, and Tristan was here and now we had to tell them as well which I wasn't expecting either. We were all talking when Kris brought out the food.

"Kris this looks amazing thank you," Tyga said.

"It's no problem, I consider all of you my kids so it's not a problem," Kris said smiling at us.

We all talked about what we have coming up and for me it was the shoot with Teen Vogue and the thing with Zayn.

"Kanye what about you, anything exciting coming up?" Kris asked him.

"Actually yes, I'm finally able to announce that the Yeezy season 3 show is gonna take place in New York next month," Kanye said and we stared at him wide eyed for a while before cheering.

"I'm still finding models for the show though," Kanye said and everyone looked at me, "and I wanted to ask you to be a part of it y/n." I nearly choked on the water I was currently drinking.

"Wait, you really want me to be in your show?" I said making everyone laugh.

"Of course I do, you have just the right kind of vibe I'm looking for with this new release and I would love it if you would be a part of this seasons show," Kanye said, inside I was freaking out but I managed to keep my cool on the outside surprisingly.

"Of course that's so awesome thank you," I said making him smile.

The rest of dinner we just caught up and talked until Kendall gave me the 'It's time' look which made me want to disappear so that I didn't have to go through it.

"So uh, me and y/n have something we wanted to share with you guys," Kendall said holding my hand underneath the table which calmed me down and the people who already knew just smirked.

"What is it Ken?" Kris said.


A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. I started writing as soon as I woke up so I'm sorry if it sucks because i was still waking up while I was writing. Anyways sorry for the cliffhanger but its okay since I'm starting the next chapter now. Remember to comment and vote and leave your suggestions. Love you.

The Girl in the Picture* Y/N and Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now