Not Your Problem

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"So I have something I need to tell all of you and you guys have to promise not to be mad," Hailey said making us look at her with our eyebrows furrowed.


Kendall's POV

"What is it Hails?" Gigi asked her as we continued to look at her waiting for her to tell us.

"MeandJustinarebacktogether," she blurted out all of the sudden.

"Hailey you need to speak slower if you want us to understand you," Bella said making Hailey take a deep breath and close her eyes.

"Me and Justin are back together," she said slower so we could understand. Of course we were all kind of mad, I mean the guy cheated on her and is a complete fuckboy and he's gonna end up fucking up again and hurting Hailey and we hate seeing her like that. Y/n was clearly pissed off which is understandable since she's really protective of all of us but something about the way she's reacting is a little off to me.

"Hailey are you serious, you can do so much better, he cheated and he lied and he's a man-whore," Gigi said make us all nod and Hailey rolled her eyes.

"You can't help who you love guys, and I really do love him," Hailey said and y/n scoffed making us all look over at her.

"Hailey the guy is a complete asshole, do you not remember what he put you through the first time?" y/n said and shook her head in disbelief. 

"He's different now, he's changed," Hailey muttered although it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince us. 

"Hailey I'm sorry to tell you but no one can change that much that quickly," y/n said, "I'm really sorry Hails I just don't want to see you get hurt, again."

"Well I won't this time, okay? Things are different now with him, god you guys just need to let me be happy for once," she said making us all look at her surprised.

"Where the hell did 'you need to let me be happy for once' come from? All we want is to see you happy that's why we're trying to protect you from that self-centered dick," y/n said and Hailey sat back in her chair and folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

I couldn't help but feel jealous about how invested y/n was in Hailey's love-life. Yeah I get that they're best friends but if Hailey is happy y/n should just let it go, Hailey can make her own decisions and be with whoever she wants to.

"Lets just drop it, okay? I didn't tell you so we would start fighting about it I just thought I should tell you guys," Hailey said and we all nodded.

Me, Gigi, and Bella were the only ones talking throughout the rest of dinner while Hailey and y/n just sat in silence. We finished dinner and y/n offered to clean up everyone's plates and stuff while we went to the living room.

"I had no idea she'd react like that, I get that he was a dick before but he's really changed this time," Hailey said.

"I hate to say it Hails but she's kinda right, no one can change that much that fast. But as long as you're happy we'll be here to support whatever decision you make," I said and she nodded and gave me a small smile. Just then y/n walked in and she awkwardly stood there before speaking.

"Uh Hailey can I talk to you for a second," y/n said and Hailey just looked at her for a second before nodding slowly. They both walked outside and sat by the fire pit. I rolled my eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Gigi and Bella.

"Careful there Ken, if you rolled your eyes anymore I think they'd probably get stuck," Gigi said and her and Bella chuckled.

"I just don't know why y/n cares about who Hailey is dating so much, I get they're best friends but it just seems a little...weird, I guess," I said and the girls nodded understandingly.

"Yeah but you also have to understand where y/n is coming from, she just doesn't want to see her best friend get hurt," Bella said and Gigi nodded in agreement and I let out a long sigh and looked back outside. They were both smiling now and y/n pulled Hailey into a hug and they stood up and began walking back inside.

We all decided on watching a movie since it was getting late but none of us were ready to go to bed yet. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie at all since I was too busy thinking about how y/n reacted to finding out Hailey was dating Justin. I know I'm probably overreacting but it still kind of bugs me. 

The movie ended we were all pretty tired and Bella had even fallen asleep so we all decided to go to bed. Me and y/n walked to her room and when we entered her room she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and started kissing my neck.

"Y/n..." I said in a kind of warning tone but she continued to kiss my neck now sucking a little, "Y/n stop." She stopped immediately and walked around to face me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Ken, what's wrong?" she asked me and she placed a hand on my cheek but I looked down so she pulled her hand away.

"Why don't you go ask Hailey, you seem to care a lot more about whats going on with her," I said and I looked up at her.

"Ken what the hell?! I cared that Hailey was back with Justin because she's my best friend and I don't want to see her get hurt by that asshole again," she said.

"That's not what it seemed like though, it seemed like you cared that she was dating someone that wasn't you," I said.

"Babe, what are you even saying! Me and Hailey are just friends and I was just looking out for her, okay? You have every part of me and as long as I have you, I'm not even looking in a different direction," she said and she put her finger underneath my chin and gave me a small smile. I couldn't help but tingle at her touch, even the slightest touch sent a tingly feeling through my body and I can't even explain it.

I couldn't help it any longer so I smashed our lips together and I put my hands on the back of her neck deepening the kiss. She wrapped her hands around my waist and pulled me closer to her making me smile into the kiss. We slowly migrated over to the bed and she layed me down gently as she hovered above me for a second before leaning back down and kissing me once again.

Let's just say that last night got really heated...


A/N: Hey I'm really sorry that this chapter sucks a lot, it didn't turn out how I wanted it to. Also I'm really sorry I haven't been updating a lot but I've been really busy with finals and everything coming up it's just a lot but hopefully it'll be over soon. Thank you for all the support I really appreciate all of you! Remember to comment and vote and leave your suggestions. Love you.

The Girl in the Picture* Y/N and Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now