Old Habits.6

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After waiting all day, it was finally time to go to the shoot. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and headed out the door. I was pretty glad to be getting out of the house after being stuck there all day. All I could do all day was think about her since I had nothing else to do. Part of me wanted her to randomly show up to the shoot but the other part of me know I'm not ready to see her yet.

I got into my car and pulled out of the drive, I was about half way down the street and I turned on the radio since I wanted to fill the silence a little. The song that came on was a song that me and Kendall used to sing to each other. I quickly turned the radio off figuring that silence was better than sitting here and thinking about her more than I already was. 

I spent the entire car ride thinking about her and the memories we shared. I miss her so much, it's almost as if a piece of me is missing. I'll never find what I had with her with anyone else, we get each other.

I finally got to the place and pulled into the parking garage. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. I was walking towards the entrance of the building when I heard the clicking of heels behind me.

"Y/n/n!!" I heard Kylie yell behind me. I turned around and walked towards her, she had an apprehensive look on her face as I approached her. I flashed her a small smile which made her smile in return. I hugged her and she hugged me black gladly.

"I'm glad your okay y/n," she said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Of course Ky, why wouldn't I be," I said sarcastically and she looked at me and frowned.

"Y/n she made a mistake, okay? It happens all the time and I know Kendall, she didn't mean it alright, just give her a chance to work it out with you," Kylie said and I shook my head and looked down.

"She really hurt me Ky, I don't know if I'll be able to just get over it like that," I said and she gave me a long sigh.

"I'm not that you should just get over it, all I'm saying is you should at least give her a shot to work it out, Kendall is crazy in love with you y/n/n," Kylie said and I looked down and played with my fingers.

"Yeah? I thought that too, guess I was wrong," I said and she shook her head.

"Just give her another chance y/n, please?" Kylie said and I just shrugged and turned to walk into the building.


The shoot was pretty quick, the photographer loved all the shots and everything so we were able to get it over with pretty quickly.

"Y/n you did amazing, I've worked with a lot of teens and they're be no means easy to work with but you, you're a completely different story," Mert said (A/N: Mert Alas is a photographer who works with a lot of celebrities; I'm not quite sure what he shoots for but I just included him in the story since I didn't know who to put (; Enjoy the rest of the chapter).

"I'll be sure to spread the word about you, any photographer would be lucky to work with you, keep up the great work, y/n," Mert said and I thanked him and walked to my dressing room.

After I changed I sat down on my chair in the dressing room and got on my phone, checking my social media for the first time since everything happened. As I was scrolling through Instagram I heard someone knock on my dressing room door before entering.

"Nice job y/n/n, Mert isn't an easy man to impress," Kylie said and I looked up from my phone and gave her a smile, "You keep this up, we'll have all the brands and the magazines in the world knocking down our door." I laughed at Kylie's remark and shook my head before looking down. Kylie sat down on a comfy couch that was to the right of the chair I was sitting in. After sitting in silence for a minute I looked up and turned to face her.

"Ky do you think...do you think Kendall meant what she said about, you know, being in love with me," I said taking her by surprise.

"Of course I do y/n, every time she talked about you there was this sparkle in her eyes that she's never had with anyone and every time someone mentioned your name nothing could wipe the smile off her face. What gave it away the most was the way she looked at you like you were the only person in the world, if that doesn't show you how in love with you she is, I don't know what will," Kylie said, her words made me smile but I hid it by looking down, "Listen y/n, I know what Kendall did was really, really, really dumb and fucked up but she truly does love you, she's in love with you. Just give her one more chance to show you." I thought about what Kylie said for a second before I stood up and cleared my throat.

"I should probably get going," I said and she nodded and stood up following me out of the dressing room. I walked her to her car in silence but she turned to me once we reached her car.

"Just promise me you'll think about what I said," Kylie said.

"I already have been," I said making her smile, she pulled me into a hug and I hugged back.

"Thanks Ky," I said and she pulled away and nodded.

"Drive safe y/n/n," Kylie said opening her car door and getting in.

"You too," I said before I turned and walked towards my car.

I got into my car and breathed in deeply and gripped my steering wheel with my hands. I know I need to talk to her, but I don't know if I'm ready to see her. I finally started my car and pulled out of the parking garage. I decided to stop at McDonald's on the way home since I didn't feel like cooking anything. I pulled into the McDonald's and parked, as I was walking to the entrance I noticed a car in the parking lot that seemed familiar but I shook it off considering that its California and everyone pretty much has the same car.

As I walked into the McDonald's I bumped into someone making me drop my phone and my wallet.

"I'm so sor-Y/n?" I heard the person that I bumped into say, I recognized the voice and my stomach dropped. I looked up and I saw her.

I'm not ready, I can't...


A/N: I hope you liked the update! Thank you for all the support this book has been getting it means a lot. There's gonna be interesting stuff coming so watch for that. Remember to comment and vote and leave your suggestions. Love you.

The Girl in the Picture* Y/N and Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now