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It's been two weeks since I've talked to the girls, I'm not mad at them or anything but it's just hard to talk to anyone right now. The girls have made attempts to call me but I just let it go to voicemail and if they text me I just tell them I'm fine and not to worry about me. I moved into my apartment right after me and Kendall broke up because I couldn't stand the fact that my bedsheets still smelled like her. The guys have been at my apartment every single day since me and Kendall broke up and I feel bad since they're not with their girlfriends and friends.

I've been non-stop drinking ever since me and Kendall broke up and as much as I don't want to do it, I continue to do it since it's the only thing that makes me forget. Kaia has also been over at my apartment a lot lately, I explained everything that has been happening and she's been a really great friend to me. We have no interest in dating each other since I just got out of a relationship and also we don't want to complicate the friendship that we have.

The only time I've been getting out of the house recently is when I've been at the studio recording music. Working on the album is actually going really good, the whole situation with Kendall has given me a lot to write about and I'm nearly done with the album and I only have a few more songs to record. Kendall doesn't seem to be hurting all that much though since she's been spotted out with that dumbass Rakim hanging all over him and it honestly makes me sick to my stomach.

I was laying in my bed with the worst hangover of all time when I heard knocking on my door and the doorbell ringing. I groaned before sliding out of bed and basically dragging myself to the door.

"What the hell do you-" I started as I opened my door only to reveal a frowning Hailey Baldwin and Bella Hadid.

"Y/n/n, you look terrible," Bella said making me chuckle a little.

"Thanks, that's the kind of vibe I was going for," I said with sarcasm lacing my voice and the girls rolled their eyes and hit my arm, "Ouch, what the hell."

"You haven't been returning our calls and you've barely texted us," Hailey said with her hands on her hips, "And damn, we haven't even seen the apartment yet."

I stepped to the side a little to let them walk in and they were in awe at my apartment.

(A/N: The two chaps after this is just pics about what the apartment kinda looks like)

After I gave them a tour we went and sat on the bed in my room.

"So, how are you doing?" Bella asked me and I laughed a little making them look at me confused.

"I think it's pretty obvious how I'm doing from the state I was in this morning," I said and they nodded sadly, "Girls, I'll be fine it'll just take time. Kendall...she was the first person I ever truly loved so it's going to hurt for a long time and I'll never stop loving her but she's moved on already and I have to move on too."

"What do you mean she's moved on already?" Hailey asked me and her and Bella gave me confused looks.

"Don't play dumb, I've seen all the articles about her and Rakim hanging out and acting all lovey-dovey," I said.

"You don't have to believe us, y/n, but she's really hurting over the breakup," Bella said, "She just has a different way of showing that she's hurt."

"Yeah, clearly," I said, "I really miss her though."

"We know, y/n/n," they said as they moved closer to me on the bed and wrapped their arms around me.

"Have you been working out?" Bella asked out of the blue making us all laugh as we pulled away from the hug.

"Well, I always work out but I guess this past couple weeks I've been working out more," I said and they both playfully poked at my abs and my biceps making me swat their hands away.

"Well it definitely shows, you're fit as fuck," Hailey said making me laugh and shake my head.

"So I have to go to the studio and I don't know what you guys have to do today but if you want you girls could come, I'd love the company," I said and they both nodded their heads fast, "Okay I'm gonna take a shower and get ready."

I went into my bathroom and took a much needed shower before getting out heading to my closet. I got dressed putting on jeans, a black Kylie shop sweatshirt with the flames on the sleeves (gotta rep it right, lol), and white converse.

I walked out of my closet and Bella and Hailey were laughing at something on Hailey's phone but stopped once they saw me and started looking me up and down.

"What?" I asked them and they shook their heads.

"Nothing it's just you look really hot," Bella said making me chuckle and walk over to them to give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"C'mon girls, lets go to the studio," I said and they nodded and stood up excitedly.

We walked out of my apartment and in my car. This was the first time in a while that I've actually left my house and not been completely upset and broken and it was a good feeling. The whole car ride to the studio me and the girls were singing along to music on the radio as they took videos for their snapchats and their instagram stories. 

I was singing along to "Fake Love" by Drake on the radio while Bella and Hailey took videos of me, as I was singing along I looked over at Hailey and gave her camera a wink which made her pretend to fangirl which I found pretty amusing.

Before we knew it we arrived at the studio and we got out and walked inside.

Only to find the last person on Earth I wanted to see...


A/N: I hope you liked the update! The next two chaps won't be an update it'll be showing you in pictures what the apartment looks like. Anyways, thank you for all your support I love you all! Remember to comment and vote and leave your suggestions. Love you.

P.S. Remember that my inbox is always open if you ever want to just talk <3

The Girl in the Picture* Y/N and Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now