A Flashback: In Which It Is Watsy's Birthday

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Mission 25, Jupiter

Screams billowed up from the surface of the planet like smoke. Watsy was working as fast as he could, but Sherrinford was constantly reaching for the cat he was infusing with genomes.

"I just wanna hold 'em!" Sherrinford begged.

"And I just wanna save the planet! Now let me get the giant gene in!" Wattington countered, finally plunging the second needle into the cat, which suddenly grew to massive size and glowed neon green.

"Perfect. Now open the door!"

Sherrinford did as he was told and suddenly it was all visible- huge, radioactive rats bustling about, eating people and crushing buildings. But they were no match for Watsy's creation, which pounced out of the makeshift laboratory and began to gnaw on one of the rodents immediately.

"Sherrinford Hope has saved Jupiter!" boomed a news announcer on the television hours later as Wattington was slumped in front of the screen on the cushy couch in the Space Rover. He sighed and dipped his fork back into the smooth frosting on his birthday cake that he'd bought for himself.

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