Part 9: In Which Watsy Is Babysitting

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Out in the gas, Wattington lead a group of children slowly closer to the crater. With about five kids and three that couldn't walk due to their injuries, this proved quite challenging, even for a great space cowboy like him.

"C'mon, guys, we're less than a mile out from the Hellas Plantia! We can make it!" Watsy encouraged, trudging ahead through the rough solarwinds.

"Watsy!" a voice that seemed forever away sounded.

Silence, apart from the whistling breeze.


"There it was again. Do you hear that?" Wattington asked. They all nodded and stopped walking.

"Watsy!" Sherrinford shouted from about 300 feet away.


He was running as fast as a Space Rover could fly, and he looked like he'd seen a ghost and was now watching the ghost burn in flames. Relieved.

"You shouldn't be out here, I haven't had a chance to identify the gas yet, it could still be harmful-" Watsy was interrupted by Sherrinford throwing his arms around him.

"I-I-" Watsy stuttered, confused by his friend's sudden act of affection.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I would've just told them all in the beginning it was you-" Sherrinford cried. Watsy shook his head and smiled slowly as tears appeared in his eyes.

"Grab a few kids. We'll talk." Sherrinford did as he was told and carried two of the children while Watsy grabbed two more, and the group continued to trudge against the wind.

"I'm sor-" Sherrinford began, but Watsy interrupted him again. "I forgave you a long time ago, Sherrinford. Now let's just get back to the crater." Sherrinford began to hum again, his theme song. Watsy was about to roll his eyes, but then he heard Sherrinford start singing;

Sherrinford Hope and Wattington Johnson,

Flying through space and lookin' super awesome!

Never will their adventures cease-

So grant them a lovely feast-

Our great heroes live!

Watsy smiled as Sherrinford continued to hum the tune, and the crater grew closer.

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