A Flashback: In Which Moriatus Is Poor

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Mission 89, Venus

"I have finally beaten you, cowboys!" Moriatus cackled shrilly, leaning back in his office chair on the second planet from the sun.

"Moriatus, we can still beat you." Sherrinford stated matter-of-factly. "Can't we?" he whispered to Wattington, who was standing next to him with a calculator. His companion nodded as he pressed the = on the calculator and handed it to Sherrinford.

"Six billion eight hundred twenty-three million six hundred eighty thousand." Sherrinford read off of the screen. Moriatus looked confused.

"That's approximately how much it would cost to flood all of Venus with tomato juice. It's $38.40 for a 12 pack of 46 ounce cans, assuming that one of those packs would be enough to cover a full mile, and Venus has an overall surface area of 177.7 million square miles, so-"

"Well, I don't have that much money!" Moriatus interrupted Watsy.

"Then our job here is done."

"Sherrinford Hope has done it again!" a voice in the Space Rover blared. Wattington glanced at a sleeping Sherrinford in the seat beside him, and switched the radio off.

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