Part 8: In Which Pot-sy Is Missing

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Sherrinford accepted handshakes and hugs from the people of Mars. He even signed a few body parts! But it wasn't long before he noticed that his companion was missing.

"Where's Watsy?" He shouted above the crowd, trying his best to look over the multitude of heads in the crater.

"Who's Pot-sy?" asked a grumpy Martian standing near the back.

"His lil' pet. He looks kinda like a bear-" a Martian girl wearing a Sherrinford Hope t-shirt answered.

"Watsy. Wattington Johnson. He's my best friend. I need him. Where did he go?" Sherrinford was beginning to panic.

"Oh, that lil' guy? He went out of the crater 'bout ten minutes back."

"What? Oh no, oh no- I have to find him!" Sherrinford worried.

"But Meester Hope," An older Martian woman tugged on Sherrinford's coat. "eef you go, we won't be safe anymore! What eef Moreeatas come back?"

"We aren't safe without Wattington." Sherrinford stated. "I don't know anything about this. I-I don't know anything about anything. I'm nothing without him. If he's gone..." He paused.

"If he's gone, then we're all doomed."

The Great Space Adventures of Sherrinford Hope! (And Watsy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang