Part 6: In Which Mars Has No Atmosphere

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"Mars has no atmosphere."

"What?" Sherrinford sobbed from his place on the floor, lifting his head just enough to see his companion standing above him in front of a full chalkboard.

"Mars has almost no atmospheric gases to create a stable atmosphere. The gas will simply rise up and away from the planet into the cosmos!" Wattington pushed the chalkboard away and danced around.

"...What?" Sherrinford repeated, completely confused.

"It doesn't matter. The planet is saved! We just need to get everyone to lower ground- into the craters. Sherrinford, find the intercom, it has to be somewhere around here!" Watsy bustled about, searching for the PA system.

Sherrinford slumped back onto the ground. "We can't find it in time..." he groaned.

"Got it!" Wattington exclaimed, locating the red button atop Moriatus's desk.

"Now get up, we have to hurry if we want to survive this mess too!"

Five miles below the planet's surface in the Hellas Impact Crater, the people of Mars bombard Sherrinford with questions.

"What about our homes?"

"How long will the gas be here?"

"Are you single?"

"I-I-" Sherrinford stuttered, blank of answers to any of their questions.

Wattington sighed and stood next to his friend.

"The homes will be fine, the gas should leave in a few hours, and no, you are not allowed to date a Martian." Watsy whispered into Sherrinford's ear, prompting him to give the same responses to the questioners.

The Great Space Adventures of Sherrinford Hope! (And Watsy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon