Part 10: In Which It Is the End

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Once they returned, everyone praised Sherrinford for saving his companion ("I'm so glad you found Pot-sy!") and the Martian children, but Sherrinford laughed and shook his head.

"No, no. Watsy saved us all!" He then explained how his best friend had been saving the Universe the whole time, how his adventures were the ones he was lucky to be allowed to tag-along on.

"It's been him all along. I'm just along for the ride." Sherrinford smiled at his best friend, who was beet red and attempting to hide behind his bowler hat.

"Sherrinford Hope and Wattington Johnson- the Universe's amazing cowboy duo!" The news blared over the sound of Sherrinford's singing. Normally, this would have annoyed Watsy, but now...

He didn't say a thing.

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