Part of His World

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Chapter 5~ Part of His World

 The college campus was pretty much empty as I walked towards the art department--most people who stay this late go to the library or student centers on the other side of the campus, so it wasn't that weird to feel so alone going to the art department. I ended up with Part of Your World on repeat as I pushed myself to walk to Mr. Faber's room.

It was only a quarter to six by the time I was aimlessly wandering the halls, trying to stall for a little time so I didn't end up fifteen minutes early--that made me seem desperate. It only took five minutes passing before I grew annoyed. Putting away my headphones and turning off my music, I walked to the classroom and timidly knocked on the door. It was five to six now, so I must have been okay.

I heard a faint come in and slowly opened the door. The art room seemed almost unfamiliar and ghostly with the empty tables and chairs that were scattered throughout the room. Taking a deep breath, I let my gaze wander towards the teacher's desk where--thankfully--Mr. Faber sat. Slowly, my legs took me towards the man, and I stood there on shaky legs, unsure of what to do.

"Hello, Jasper. I am pleased you made it on time--early in fact. Good boy," he praised softly, turning his soft gaze to look at me.

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered, but not really believing him because I knew soon I was going to displease him very much.

"How was your night and day?" he mused, putting away whatever he had been working on.

"I-it was f-fine, S-sir. Ava and I just watched m-movies today b-before I had to l-leave," I stuttered terribly, falling over my words.

"What movies did you watch?" he seemed to be dragging this out, as if trying to make me say something else--or was that just me?

"B-big H-hero S-six, T-tangled, and T-the L-l-little M-mermaid, S-sir," I again stumbled terribly over my words.

"Those are great movies," Mr. Faber smiled softly, before turning to look at me with a more firm glance. "Is there something you would like to tell me, Jasper?"

 "Um..." my mind started racing again. Did he know? Did Ava tell him already what had happened? Maybe he already hated me and was just drawing it out to hurt me. No. He wouldn't do that... right?

"Calm down, Jase. It's okay, I just need you to talk to me. Is there anything you or I can do to help make it easier for you to talk?" Mr. Faber asked softly, but I could hear a faint semblance of dominance in his tone. I liked the sound.

"I-I d-don't kn-now, S-sir," my voice was shaking at the lie. I knew I shouldn't have lied, to add on to what I've already done. My thoughts stopped, what am I thinking? It's not like he was my dominate, he was just my teacher. That thought also stopped me from telling him my comfort would improve had I been on my knees before him.

"I don't like being lied to, Jasper," that pulled me out of my thoughts as he--Mr. Faber--now stood in front of me, his gaze looking down at me. His gaze was gentle but firm, and it had held so much dominance, I had to look away.

"I... I'm s-sorry, S-sir," I whimpered, almost on the verge on tears.

Softly, I felt his hands upon my shoulders as he gently pushed me down. My body seemed to follow automatically, and I was on my knees. He knew. I sat there on my knees before him, keeping my gaze to the floor.

"Is that better, pet?" Mr. Faber asked, his feet moving out of the sight of my downcast eyes.

"Y-yes, S-sir."

"Good. Now talk to me. Did you sleep last night? Answer honestly, pet," Mr. Faber spoke more firmly, his dominance more present now.

"N-no, S-sir."

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