Chapter Se7en: Paris is a lie

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Day 247

Lum watched the semi-circle gathered in front of him. Their reactions were all unique, but he didn't see any of them. He only watched hers. He didn't understand it, and what he didn't know was that she didn't either. A moment passed were their eyes locked into one another and they couldn't think of anything else than the other. Of the words the light had spoken. In the corner of their eyes they saw Genie lump his head down, defeated and tired by Lum's overwhelming mind, but mostly the rush of feelings that made him forget about Lily. But to this, Ember did not turn. To this, Lum did not turn. They were living their own overwhelming feelings. For a fraction of a second, he let her feel his soul and they saw visions, they saw life, they saw it all...

A tear pickled down Ember's soft face. Lum stared at it. He stood up and left the French cafe, leaving the Seven behind him...for the time being.

No one had seen the exchange between the forbidden lovers, but they each felt something to give them a hint. Ember was still, the tear frozen in place on her cheek, her feelings statued in a jumble.




"Emb-" started Lily, only to be stopped by a hand to her arm. She turned around to look at Will. His face said it all.

Ember stared at their master while he walked away from them. She suddenly stood up, scaring the hell out of Rain, who was about to fall out of his seat. She slowly made her way to the exit before running outside in the crowd, pushing aside anyone in her way. But when she tried looking around, she couldn't find him. He had disappeared in the light, like he always did.

Back in the cafe, the other six were rejoicing the view, trying to relieve the tension and heavy atmosphere. Genie and Lily looked like a real couple, perfect in the city of love. The nature went and popped up flowers into her husband's hair. She was sitting across from him but holding his hand. A couple of tables away, Rain was watching sullenly, getting more ticked off by the minute. Some girls were wooing about him but others were enjoying the view of Genie and Lily.

"Oh Water. Don't look so damn happy, would you? It would make everyone so jealous"

Rain looked up at Buzz, frustration clear on his face. The blonde took a seat next to him and sighed.

"Look, I know that it's not easy on you. Especially since your big thing is Envy and all--"

"What's your point Whisperer?" Rain interrupted, fed up by his curse and the Seven.

"We're here on a break. The world is ending soon and we're just that close to having everything we know disappear. So instead of falling into your curse like Catalyst over there, lighten up. Genie and Lily are happy and you should be, too. Especially for her. At least for a little while. Look, all of the girls here have an eye out for you. Go have some fun. Who knows? Maybe you'll find the one?"

Rain sighed. Not all of the girls... He thought, watching Lily smile into the sun. In the corner, Will was sitting next to Sloth and had gotten four drinks offered to him by women. Catalyst was into her own bubble, sleeping in and out of the world. The news of the Master and Ember were too much effort for her.

"You used to be such a happy person. Don't let your curse get to you. "

After hearing the Water's silence, Buzz decided to leave him into his thoughts and looked around for any lingering spirits. Rain wasn't the only one who needs a companion...

"Pardon, mais est ce que tout va bien? J'étais assise la-bas quand je vous ais remarquer. Vous n'avais pas l'air d'être tres content." (Excuse me, but is everything alright? I was sitting over there when I noticed you. You don't seem very happy. )

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