Chapter 2: Cruel World

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Day 2

"None of us should be here. This is wrong. We should all be dead."

Catalyst looked up at Will. Rain and Ember regarded each other warily and Genie and Lily huddled up together. Buzz stood apart from them, unsure of how to take in everything.

Everyone was cautious of one another. They were all strangers and freaks of natures, just like them. There were no nights, in this castle in an unknown place. No one really knew what was happening and no one knew what was to come.

"I don't like this. Did the white dude tell us what we're suppose to do?" said Rain. He was the youngest one here and everyone was uncomfortable standing next to him. It was the big scar on his face that made him look older than what he really was, a young teenager.

"His name is Lum. And I recommend you call him Master, like he asked you to. Remember, he's the one that really killed us here," Will spoke up.

"We're not dead," said the blonde in the corner. This was the first time any of the seven had heard her voice and they all turned to look at her. The attention made Buzz uncomfortable and she huddled together.

"We're not dead. Believe me on this one."

"Then what are we? If you're so sure and smart, tell us!" Will was loosing his patience.

"Hey! Chill out, will you?" said Ember. "We're all on the same boat here. Don't kill the messenger."

Will grunted and crossed his arms across his chest.

"You and that one over there," he said poiting at Catalyst and Ember. "You should have let me kill him yesterday. You have no idea what he's done to me. I'm sure that he has done things to you that you don't want to admit to yourself."

This was like a tennis match to Genie. Only Lily knew of this but the turnoil of minds that were Will's, Catalyt's and Ember's, was refreshing to Genie. He had this thing to understanding people. He took the different pieces of their minds and was able to put them back together. The distance from their own minds was the key to unlock their emotions into a healthy thinking. But right now, all these minds were just overflowing.

Will's mind was in denial and hurt by whatever the Master had inflicted on him. This violence and his harsh words were the only way for himself to control wahtever he had bottled up in him.

Catalyst was just going with the flow. Always following orders and letting herself go.

Ember was frustertated. She never knew when to stop or when to go. She was always going in the wrong direction and when she tried another road it was always the wrong one.

There was a heavy silence in the room.

"Well if anyone was wondering, my name is Rain," said the boy with the curly brown hair and big scar running down his right cheek. What color were his eyes?

Will was about to open his mouth when the brunette with light hair and twinkinling blue eyes spoke up, her freckles moving as she spoke.

"I'm Lily," she pointed at her husband, "and this is Genie."

"This is not Alcohol Anonymus," said Will.

"God shut up for a second, will you?" said Rain, loosing his temper.

Lum was watching everything, without making his prescene known. He knew that he had to bring a stop to all of this but mostly, he knew that these people needed to learn to know each other and understand them, but mostly to overcome each other with their own willpower.

Buzz was silent again and was still quivering from the shock of her death. She was the one with the most troubles and the one who was still awaiting a craziness. She was in constant paranoia and waited for another being to pop up in front of her. Will sensed an uneasiness in the atmosphere and looked at each of the people with a different look.

Genie spoke up.

"We're all hiding something. But if we continue to bring each other down right now, we're going to slowly go crazy. How about we all relax and listen to one another. Now, Lily and Rain were on the right track here. How about we introduce each other and talk about our...let's call them abilities."

"Let's start with you, big mouth," said Ember, talking to Will. He remained quiet and sat down, leaning on the wall, challenging anyone of his actions. 

"Ok, then, I am Catalyst. I am a guru and I am actually a beholder," said the middle-aged chocolate skinned woman.

"What's a beholder?" asked Rain.

"It's something that changes other stuff without being affected. Let's say like going through gamma ray and transmitting it to someone without getting affected by the dangerous after effects," said Ember.

Rain turned to her.

"What's your name?"

"My name's Ember and I," she paused, " well, you've seen what I did yesterday," She breathed out a trail of smoke. Rain slowly backed away from her, comparing her to a vile dragon in his mind.

"What do you do?" she asked, smirking in his direction.

Feeling challenged, he narrowed his eyes and summoned a ball of water in his palm.

Ember hissed and fired up her hands.

"You trying to play a game here, punk?"

"Woah, woah, woah! How about we calm down here?" said Genie, putting himself in between the two oopposing forces. Rain and Buzz both regarded each other with spite and backed away. 

"Ok then, Lily," he looked back, " how about you tell them what you're capable of?"

Lily shyly took a step forward and put her hands together.

"I control nature," she opened her hands and showed the flower that was now in her hands.

"Genie knows how to read minds," she said.

All of a sudden, everyone was on their guard and Will stood up.Genie sighed and sent Lily a look. She wasn't the most sutible person around.

"Well, don't mess with our minds, small eyes. I can control energy and those who are the energies. If you cross the line, I will not hesitate to control that mind of yours and blow it up in pieces," said Will. 

Lum suddenly stepped into the room.

"Don't listen to him Mind Reader. He can barely control his own brain energy. He is no threat to you," he paused, looking at Genie, "yet."

Ember stood straighter and Catalyst went to stand next to the Light.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Rain.

"Your tasks here are to develop your powers. I am here to guide you but your most important hardship is to be able to overpower yourself."

Stop talking in like bumper stickers, thought Ember.

Genie strifled a laugh and Lum cracked a smile.


A/N: Ok peeps, here's chapter 2! I'm sorry for making you wait a long time and I hope this will be enough for a little while. I tried giving you guys a little intro of the characters and their personalities by going back to day two, the next chapter will probably be heading up more into the story in the days of the 200s or 300s. So leave comments! I like reading those.

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