Chapter 6: The Lamp - Part 2

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Day 671

Damn, this girl is much heavier than she looks, I thought as I ran to Rain's room. We could hear the commotion all throughout the castle. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around. I swear I could have heard someone breathing down my neck.

"Who's there?"

I searched for some kind of conscious but didn't find anyone around us. I felt a jolt on my shoulder, making me stumble and fall, with Buzz in my arms.

That's the second time today, I could imagine Buzz's voice in my head.

I looked around wildly. There was no one there! And I really tried hard, trying to find anything out there with my mind, but I just couldn't. An explosion -- most likely something Ember came up with (sometimes her temper was worst than Lily's) -- made thousand pieces of rubble and dust head in Buzz and Genie's direction. He ducked right on time before a brick almost blew his head right of his shoulders. Genie swore something in Chinese under his breath before hearing a thump. Looking behind him a last time, he took Buzz in his arms again and sped to whatever was left of Rain's chambers.

When he entered, it looked like hell had completely broken loose. Will was summoning up a massive amount of energy. Lily was building a protective wall over a region where she, Ember, Lum, and Rain stood. But the creature -- the grotesque monster -- was nowhere in sight. When Will finally finished his ball of energy, he chucked it at thin air. What was he aiming at? Then it clicked. That was why Buzz had decided to stay in the other realm. We weren't able to see the demon in this dimension.

"Lily!" yelled Genie. Everyone turned around at the sound of his voice.

"Duck!" he heard someone yell. He turned his head around right before a junk of the wall was heading his way. Someone tackled him right on time before the projectile has hit the target, in this case, Genie and Buzz. Looking from the floor, he saw Ember smashed against his body, while Genie's body was smashed against Buzz's. If having two women smolder you was how this felt like, Genie didn't like it as he could barely breath.

Imbecile, yelling like that, he heard Ember think.

"Don't just sit there. Move!"

Genie picked up Buzz's body and rushed behind the plantations, Ember hot on his heels. Genie put down Buzz's body gently on the floor.

"How are you doing?" he asked Lily.

"Now is not the time to worry about this," said Rain. "My room is getting destroyed here! Where will I sleep?"

Ember slapped him at the back of his head.

"Do you really think this is important now, Water?" Lily was pissed. Rain mumbled something incoherent under his breath. Genie could feel the tension in the air. The Seven had no idea how to take care of this situation. Lum looked at Genie pensively.

"Where's Buzz?" he asked, although Genie felt as though Lum already knew the answer. Knowing that they were running out of time, and that Will was slowly loosing the fight, airing blindly, he sent a telepathic visual of the events to all of the Seven.

"OK, so where is this creature now?" yelled Will frustrated as hell, avoiding Rain's bed as it was thrown to him.

"Are those my magazines I see flying there?" asked Lily. "I've been looking for them for over a week!"

Rain, embarrassed to have been caught, tried to change the subject.

"How do we get to Buzz?"

"Why are you even reading those kinds of articles?" asked Ember, completely weirded out by the Water's behavior.

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