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Chapter Nine | Forgetful

'What's the idiot done now?' Nurse Masuta tutted.

'... eh?' Ayano struggled to speak, awkwardly shuffling past the Nurse towards a bed. She lay the still chattering boy onto it delicately, then scooped his head up onto a plump pillow. Once she was sure he was comfortable, she slid down on the cold floor of the Infirmary, hugging her knees and panting manically.

'He... fell down the... stairs...' she wheezed, ' on the... third floor. I carried him... down.'

They both looked over at the boy, who was still talking about the multiple shades of green. The nurse finally seemed to acknowledge that the boy was in some sort of danger, and checked him over. She breathed a small sigh of relief, she sat him up and got him to take some pills from a bottle. Ayano kneeled at his side, absent-mindedly plumping up some pillows from the next bed along and putting them between his back and the metal headboard.

'He's a little delirious, he just took some painkillers, but I'm keeping him here in case he gets worse.' She glanced at her watch, 'It's five to eight, and Ayano, you look exhausted. You can stay if you like.' She looked at her expectantly.

'N-no... I'm... fine... I...' she staggered up, then her legs gave way and she fell to the floor. The cuts on her leg began to bleed again, and were blisteringly painful. She wondered how she had forgotten about them. It was amazing what adrenaline could do...

'Look at your legs! And you managed to carry him?! That's incredible!'

Ayano flashed her a weak smile from the tiled floor, her chest heaving raggedly. The Nurse looked down at her sympathetically, carefully getting hold of Ayano's arm and swinging her to her feet. She no longer knew where she was walking to, but she was grateful that she didn't have to carry that boy anywhere.

'You look completely exhausted. Come on, I'll email your tutor about what's happened. What's your form room?'

Ayano nodded blinking slowly , 'T-two... One...'

Nurse Masuta jotted it down on her wrist, then drew the curtains that surrounded the bed. Ayano flopped forward onto the bed, and it didn't take more than 6 seconds to fall into a coma-like sleep.

Ayano was awoken by the sound of the lunch bell, and of creaky doors, footsteps, and the chatter of students as they walked to the cafeteria

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Ayano was awoken by the sound of the lunch bell, and of creaky doors, footsteps, and the chatter of students as they walked to the cafeteria. There were about five seconds of her being awake in which she knew only that her arms hurt a little and that the room was too bright. But the dam burst, and everything flooded into her memory. She swung her legs to the side, dangling them off the edge of the bed. She noticed that the bleeding cuts on her shin and knee had been (presumably) cleaned and were now covered with three large plasters, barely stinging. She looked up, noticing the plastic white hospital curtains that split her from the rest of the world.

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