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Chapter 11 | Information

The phone's screen shone white across his face. He was in a long, dark room, the babble of the passing crowds outside muffled by the layers of moth-eaten curtain that were strung across the windows. The chairs and tables had long since been removed, and all that was left were cardboard boxes and old newspapers that littered the floor. It was cold in here, and as much as he longed to step outside, it wasn't done yet. His hood was pulled low over his face, and he was staring intently at his phone. His fingers dashed across the screen, letters forming words, and those words forming a question he would regret asking. His thumb twitched over SEND, his heart thumping as he made his decision. His conscience told him that what he was doing was wrong, it could ruin everything. What if it didn't work? What if she found out? She would hate you; she could NEVER love you back! He frowned, glancing away from his phone, now concentrating on the small shaft of light that danced rather dully on an old plastic sheet. Another voice, one he hadn't imagined, came to him from the darkness of the room.

'Are you going to send it, or are you going to keep me waiting?'

His head jolted up, and his finger immediately closed around his phone as he felt his way to the wall behind him. There was silence. The voice he had heard was high and smooth; impatient and female from the sound of it.

'I'm here now, you can ask me in person.'

His breath was hitched as he slowly moved towards the backdoor, his fingers closing around the knife in his pocket. He was careful to stay away from the small shafts of light - he couldn't be seen. His phone vibrated, glowing red through his hands. He stumbled at the sound, his head smacking off the wall with a loud crack. The woman laughed again, and his hairs stood on end.

'You did a good job. You found most of the cameras I had put in here. Not all of them, but I must commend you for having found some.' Her voice echoed around the empty room, making it difficult to tell where she was.

Black dots swarmed his vision as he tried to crawl along the floor. He was near the door, he had a feeling... There was a squeak and a clatter, then light flooded the room, and he saw in horror that she had ripped one of the curtains off. It lay in a heap beneath the window, covered in rust, from it several insects crawling out in terror. She could see him now, and there was nothing he could do but run. He leapt up, sprinting to the door and crashing his full weight against it. It didn't move. He looked for another exit, his eyes darting to every shadow to check if she was there. As his head swivelled left, she darted forward, knocking the knife from his hands and handcuffing him the radiator in one swift motion. Gloved hands wrenched the phone from him, and she unlocked it quickly.

'H-how did you do that?'

She ignored him, and went straight into his messages. She sniggered.

'Ohhh. That's bad. That is desperate. You really have nothing to lose, do you?' She mocked, smiling as he went scarlet.

He began to speak in vain, 'Give me that back! You're stealing!'

'You're trespassing.'

He fell silent, unable to think of anything else to say.

'Good boy.' She saw him scowl at her, 'Now, I can help you.'

'For a price, that is.'

No! I won't lie to her again! I can't... it's wrong. Another voice in his head said otherwise. Every fibre of his being wanted to agree, and yet... I said NO! It's wrong to manipulate people... THIS ISN'T LOVE! It is obsession, you can't do this to her! The voice of his conscience grew steadily quieter, overtaken by everything that was possible with a single, white lie. You'll regret this, forever.

'Do we have a deal?'

Chapter Information: First Uploaded - (26/06/2017); Word Count - 669

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Chapter Information: First Uploaded - (26/06/2017); Word Count - 669

♪♫ A month without uploading she comes back with some shit...

So... err... yeah I've not been as active as I would have liked for the past month, but I'm back! I've actually had this chapter in the works for a while, and now seems like an appropriate time to publish it. It's pretty short, but I'm probably going to merge it with the next chapter when I go back editing it.

In other news, 700+ reads! Thanks so much!! We're so close to 1000, which seems almost impossible. Seeing as I've missed the milestones for 500, 600, and now 700, here are my special readers...




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Thanks for reading, see you next time.

~ FictionNovellist

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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