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Chapter Ten | The Artist

Ayano didn't finish her bento. She sat there, shell-shocked. Upset was too mild a word to describe what she felt now. Her entire body shook with a cocktail of sorrow, self-hatred, guilt, anger, grief, and pain - such a burning, fiery pain that made her want to scream and cry and throw things around just to watch them smash. Her eyes were clouded by the forming of tears as she got up, her eyes darting to were he had been sat. She wrenched her hand across her face, sniffing, point blank refusing to cry over someone she didn't even know.

But you do know him. How would he know your name, why would he call you 'Aya'? Why would he buy you lunch? Why wo-

'SHUT UP!' She screamed. The doors were closed and nobody had heard her, but she still felt a fool. She grabbed her hair and pulled, letting out a quiet cry of pain. If someone were to be standing behind the doors, they may have heard it, and felt an urge to comfort the creature that was in there. And this is what he did. Ayano felt it the moment he entered the room, noticed immediately that she was being watched, but she didn't quite get the name right.

'Leave me alone, Ronsharku!' She said through gritted teeth. When nobody answered, she lifted her head up, tears streaming down her face ready to yell. But she didn't have the strength to.


She felt a hand on her shoulder, and lifted her head tentatively, expecting a punch to the face. What she got instead was the straight, serious face of a red-headed boy whose face was covered in freckles. Bright green eyes looked out from square-rimmed blue glasses, and she noticed that his fingers were covered with dried paint, but that his white shirt was immaculate. His head was cocked similarly to a bird as he looked down at her slumped and sobbing figure.

She swallowed her tears, gulping and saying shakily, 'I'm sorry. I don't know where the Nurse is. I'll go and get her for you.'


She began to get up, but he shook his head, pointing to her. She smiled, and watched in fascination as he smiled back. His lips didn't move, but his face radiated happiness. It was the glint in his eye, the sparkle that said everything he felt was true and genuine. What Ayano didn't know is that there was a craft to such a rare smile, and that the boy before her never smiled like that to anyone.

'Quiet, aren't you?' she let out a short, chipper laugh.

'...' He looked her dead in the eye, and realised that he would rather waste his words on someone who didn't know their value than someone who begged him for them, '... Just taciturn.'

'I'm Ayano A-'

'Aishi.' He finished.

Is he someone I've forgotten? Oh God... not again...

He seemed to read her mind, and shrugged at her obvious bewilderment, 'Rumours.'

'Oh... I thought that I may have forgotten you...' her voice was relieved.


He had decided that he had said enough, standing up, gesturing her to follow him. He picked up her backpack for her, carrying it carefully by the straps. They left together, walking in comfortable silence up the stairs towards her form. As they reached her door, the bell rang. She turned to thank him, but he was already gone. She walked into lesson, a small smile on her face.

When the bell rang, she swept everything carelessly into her bag and left without a look to any of the other students, who she had noticed had been staring at her and gossiping loudly in full view of her

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When the bell rang, she swept everything carelessly into her bag and left without a look to any of the other students, who she had noticed had been staring at her and gossiping loudly in full view of her. She walked towards Pipi, who was waving at her from across the corridor.

'Hey, Pipi. Can I talk to you? In private?' Ayano's pink-fringed friend looked at her, concern flooding her eyes.

'Of course! Anything!'

Ayano brought her hand to her face, 'There's this boy who says he knows me, but I've forgotten him and he's really upset. I just feel so guilty an-'

'Whoa, its alright. Slow down, take a deep breath.' Pipi waited until her commands had been obeyed, then said, 'Right, now tell me what happened.'

And so Ayano explained the events of the previous chapters in full detail (leaving out the fact that she thought the boy's smile was cute), including her encounter with Taro, and the quiet red-head.

'Oh Ayano. Oh God, no wonder he was so upset when he came into class.'

'Huh, who is it? I don't understand.'

'His name is Budo Masuta. Leader of the martial arts club. He used to walk home with us, well, you. You two would walk together, me and Ryuto would follow on behind.' She paused, and looked at Ayano with large, empathetic eyes, 'You don't remember him? At all?'

'No!' Her eyes began to fill with tears, her voice shattering, 'Was he important to me? I feel like I should know him! Something is nagging at the back of my mind, screaming at me that he was something special, but it's so faint I can barely hear it!'

She broke down into sobbing, clutching her face in anguish and hurt. Budo was walking past her at this moment, clusters of confusing emotions overflowing his mind. In that moment he was ready to drop everything and help her, but a hand on his arm stopped him, and his face was once again clouded with hatred.

Pipi scanned Ayano's face, opening her mouth to tell her that everything would be ok, that she would be ok, that it wouldn't last forever. But nothing came out, because it wasn't true. Instead, she realised that Ayano needed something else, someone else

'Come on, Ayano. There's someone I want you to meet.'

Chapter Updated! First Upload - (03/05/2017); Most Recent Upload - (25/06/2017)

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Chapter Updated! First Upload - (03/05/2017); Most Recent Upload - (25/06/2017)

We made it to double digits! FINALLY! And, as I write this, 400+ reads! Thanks so much!! Today's special reader is... sargentpug!! Thanks for supporting my story so far. REMEMBER: if you want an honourable mention, you have to comment or vote or do something that makes it pop up in my notifications!

So this was the introduction of my third love interest. I hope you enjoyed it. If you feel like Budo got a little too much time to himself, you shouldn't worry. A lot is gonna happen with the others.

Wondering whether these should be her love interests, but the plot I want needs more. PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION!

1) I want more love interests - if so, specify (e.g Taro x Ayano ect.)

2) Three is enough, focus on the plot now.

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

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Thanks for reading, see you next time.

~ FictionNovellist

Yours Truly - A Yandere Simulator NovelWhere stories live. Discover now