Chapter 10

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Hey guys , sorry for  the late update.I noticed that i've been making A LOT of grammatical errors but don't worry i'll edit soon.


The door was pushed open and she landed on her butt. The lights switched on and Melanie started laughing.

"Look around you, you little coward", She said leaning against the door. Her back was supporting her and her ankles were crossed.

Lisa stood up and looked around.The room was cream and dark brown with a large flat screen TV , theater  chairs and a popcorn machine at the back of the room.Next to the TV was a long oak table  with a  DVD and VCR player on it. Beside the VCR was a coiled toy snake except it wasn't made of fur, it was made of rubber. Slimy, wet , rubber. The slime she thought was dripping from the ceiling at close inspection was actually maple syrup and the only reason she thought the lion  and snake was so close was because she was crouching right next to the speaker  box.

“Clever, very clever”, she commented still looking around.

“I know . I’m a boss”, Melanie said flipping her hair.

“You have got to stop doing that. You’re starting to look like one of those crazy , hyper chicks in those corny movies except you’re way younger and really ugly”, Lisa said making a face at her.

“Did you just call me ugly?”,Melanie screeched .

“Yeah ,so?”, Lisa replied , shrugging her shoulders while leaning against the wall casually.

“I’m going to teach you a little lesson”.

Melanie darted across the room and grabbed a pillow from  a couch that she hadn’t noticed before . She ran back over to Lisa and started hitting her all over.

“Ow , what are you doing? Stop that! It really hurts”.

But Melanie continued assaulting her.

“Alright , you want to play. Well let’s do it”, Lisa said grabbing a pillow.

They ran around the around the room chasing and beating each other with the pillows.

Half an hour later they sank to the floor in exhaustion .

“She called me that too”, Melanie said breathing heavily.

“Who called you what?”, Lisa asked panting.

"My mom. She called me ugly too".

"Ow, i'm sure she didn't mean it Mel. You see, when adults get mad they take it out on the kids sometime."

"But you said it too".

"I know .and i'm really sorry . I didn't mean that . I was just mad at you for pranking me".

"I.m not going to apologize", .

"I know."


"I lost my mom too, you know. She died just before i moved here".

"Oh, i didn't know that. What was she like?"

"She was really pretty with blonde hair like yours.She had bright green eyes and she used to make the best cakes ever. I remember one time she told me not to play in the rain but i ignored her warning and went out and played for an entire hour. When she came home , i was sitting by the fire trying to get warm . I caught a cold and was sneezing like a maniac. She looked at me and shook her head but went to get me some warm blankets and cold medicine. Then she made some hot chocolate and tucked me into bed. She used to say i am stubborn ,just like my father",  tears sprang from her eyes as she remembered her mother standing by the sink ,making bread and shaking her head saying those same words.

" What's your father like?"

"I don't know . I've never met him. Things were going fine with my parents then my mom found out she was having me. She told my dad and he left the next day. Mom said he was really nice though but i guess she was supposed to say that because he was her husband and my father".

"You lost both your parents?"

"Yep ".

"Do you miss your dad?"

"I've never really known him so i can't say i do but sometimes i can't help wishing he was here. That's why it's really important to cherish the parent you've got because you'll never know when they'll leave you".

"I love my dad and i promise not to give him anymore trouble but you on the other hand, well that's another story", Mel sighed.

Lisa stared at her then started laughing.

"Want to watch a movie?", Mel asked.

"Okay , what do you want to watch."

"Can we watch ' Barbie and the three  musketeers?" , Melanie asked with a hopeful expression.

"Sure , why not?"


Lisa nodded.

Mel squealed and ran to the cabinet and pulled out said movie.

While she went to the kitchen and brought back some gummy bears , worms , ice -cream , two bottle of waters, chips and she made some popcorn in the machine.

They put in the movie and sat on the floor with blankets and pillows. They played the movie and munched on their snacks.

When that ended they watched, Barbie Mariposa & the fairy princess then Teen beach.


When Brian came home that night he found them sprawled out on the floor. Lisa was on her back with a pillow under her head and a chip still in her left hand. Melanie was on her side facing Lisa .Her fight foot was on Lisa's stomach and her hand was over Lisa's right eye. That is the very reason her never let's her sleep with him unless she watched a scary movie or was really sick. The last time he let her sleep with him. He woke up with her toe in his mouth and her little finger in his nose. No wonder he had difficulty breathing.

A case was lying on the floor beside them. He turned it over and picked it up. Musketeers. Lisa must be really patient to watch that movie. He found the characters voices insanely annoying . Almost as annoying as Nancy's.

He bent down and scooped Mel into his arms and took her to her room . While he was tucking her in , her arm flew up and clutched his injured arm and he groaned before removing it.

He went back downstairs and picked up Lisa. She was so warm and soft. Her womanly curves were pressing into the hard ridges of his body .

He laid her down on the bed and sat beside her, tucking her in . He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. It was tangled so he went to her bathroom and picked up her brush from the dresser then went back to sit on the bed. He pulled her on to his lap and started brushing her long, curly hair. It was soft and silky.

He braided her hair , placed a gentle kiss on her rosy cheeks then whispered in her ear " Till tomorrow my little dark haired angel".  A shiver racked her body but she didn't wake up.






Cause if you don't i swear i'll sneak into your house in the dead of night and kill you in your sleep  {especially you Jennillia}


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