Part 2

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The car pulled up to a huge white building with blue trimmings. There was a sign above reading' Little Mermaids Pre School' . Really?

The driver came around and opened her door and she got out thanking him, with Mel following closely behind.

There were a few kids outside of the school , saying good bye to their parents or nannies.

There was this particular group of three girls , glaring hatefully at Melanie. The girl in the middle had long brown hair tied back from her face with a blue ribbon . She had chocolate brown eyes , a button nose and a wide mouth while the girls standing on either side of her had straw coloured hair and dark eyes . They looked like twins but you could easily tell them apart . The one on the right was taller .

The one in the middle whispered something to the twins and they moved in their direction. When they were directly in front of them she placed her hands on her tiny hips and flipped her hair off her shoulder.

"Look who it is , the ugly duckling", she sneered.

Melanie just looked at her with a bored expression but Lisa spoke up.

"Now listen kid , you shouldn't call people ugly. Everyone is made perfectly and beautifully. Sure some people may not be supermodels or adorably cute but that doesn't make them any less prettier than anyone else. Beauty is a thing of the heart not outwardly appearance ,okay?", Lisa said calmly.

"Shut up nanny! No one's talking to you . Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Do you know who my daddy is? He is Carter Maxwell and if you ever talk to me again i'll make him fire you", the girl yelled.

"No , you shut up Lillian . Lisa is older than you so you should respect her and for the record she doesn't work for your daddy's age4ncy so he can't fire her" Melanie said the last part smugly.

To say Lisa was surprised would be an understatement.

"Respect ? What do you know about respect? Your mother left before she could teach you about respect , you little brat. You're so ugly that she didn't even want you . You're nothing but a rich , ugly , loser and you're not even rich anymore since your daddy's companies got robbed."

Melanie gasped and tears pooled in her eyes. Lisa threw a hand around her shoulder and hugged her close.

"Enough ! Now listen to me little girl , you have absolutely no right to say such things to Melanie or anyone else for that matter. The next time i catch you bullying anyone i'm going to sling you up in a tree naked and tan your hide , do you understand me? ", Lisa threatened.

Lillian and the legally blondes nodded , looking scared.

"Now get to class ", Lisa ordered.

The three turned around and scrambled up the stairs but when they were about to open the door Lisa called out "For the record Lillian , i think Lisa is way pettier than the three of you combined".

They just stared at her for a second then rushed through the double doors.

She turned back to Melanie and got down on her knees in front of her.Melanie was avoiding her eyes so she took her chin between her fingers and forced her to meet her eyes. Melanie's eyes were red and puffy and they shimmered with unshed tears . Lisa had never seen her look so vulnerable before. She was usually confident and witty or smug and insulting. To see her like this was heart breaking.

"Are you alright?", she whispered.

Melanie nodded.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you back home?", her voice was thick with concern.

Melanie shook her head and mumbled" No ,i'll stay. I'm used to it".

Lisa gasped.

"Used to it? How long has this been going on?".

Melanie shrugged.

"Does your father know?"

She shook her  head . She wasn't being very communicative so Lisa sighed and let go of her chin.

The bell rang and she hugged Mel and got up.

"I don't like being hugged", Melanie glared at her.

"Why not?", Lisa frowned.

"It's a sign of weakness".

"No it's not. It's a sign of affection".

"You can't like me so soon and i've been mean to  you so that makes it impossible", Melanie stated as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know but i think your big mouth and twisted sense of humour is growing on me", she winked and strutted to the car.







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