Chapter 18

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The following day Lisa took Melanie to a furniture store after school.

"Do you see anything you like?", she questioned.

"Like that one in the corner there but I also like the one in front of you", Melanie replied pointing.

Lisa studied the set of furniture then turned back to Melanie." Which do you like more?".

"The one you're standing in front of", she replied without hesitation.

"Okay , we'll get that one then", she motioned to the sales man, telling him which one they wanted and he informed her that it would be delivered tomorrow and that 'Mr. Shaunfield' would pay for it then. She briefly wondered how the guy knew it was for Brian but quickly shrugged it off figuring that he'd called ahead.

They left the furniture store and drove to the paint shop two blocks down. Brian had insisted that they not walk anywhere.

"I don't want pink", Melanie scowled at the sales woman.

"But normal little girls love-".

"Are you saying that I'm not normal? Are you calling me abnormal? Is that what's going on here?", Melanie demanded with her hands fisted on her tiny hips. She was tapping her feet and waiting impatiently for the woman's reply. She was still in her school uniform and she looked so incredibly adorable that Lisa wanted to pinch her cheeks but she doubted Melanie would appreciate that. She looked on amused as the woman fumbled for an appropriate answer.

"No, of course not. I was just saying that normally when little girls come in here they go crazy over our selection of pink", She amended soothingly.

She must have known she was dealing with  a crack head , Lisa thought laughing behind her hand.

"whatever", she muttered rudely and Lisa narrowed her eyes at her, "I was thinking purple in any case".

"Very well", she went behind the counter and gathered two cards giving both to Melanie.

They chose a deep purple and Lisa was again told that it would be delivered and paid for the following day.

"Can we get something to eat now? I'm so hungry that I could eat a pig and still have room for more", Melanie declared as they exited the shop.

Lisa agreed laughing and they chose a small diner on the same block. they got a great seat by the window that afforded them a view of passersby.

"What would you beautiful ladies like to eat?", a waiter walked up to there table flashing Lisa a hundred watt smile. He was very good looking with blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He placed two menus before them and they scanned it quickly.

"Can I have a small hamburger with fries and a milkshake please?", she requested with a smile . his smile was so contagious she couldn't help but return it.

"Same please", Melanie told him.

"Coming right up", he replied walking up to the counter but not before giving Lisa a backward glance.

"So Melanie , how was school?', Lisa asked . She leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs at the ankle trying to look casual.

"Fine", she shrugged.

Lisa blew out a long breath. It was obvious that Melanie wasn't going to answer her unless she was straight forward .

"Mel your teacher told me that you aren't doing very well in class. She even suggested after school tutoring . She told me that you were having some trouble with your reading and writing but judging from the fact that your nose is always in a book and how neatly you signed that paper yesterday , I'd say you're great at  both of those things. So do you want to tell me what's going on?, Lisa asked softly. When she went to the school this afternoon to pick up Melanie the teacher had pulled her aside and had expressed her concerns.

Melanie had been looking out the window all the while. She finally turned her head and looked at Lisa . Her eyes were cold and hard but Lisa so see the pain hidden behind the green orbs. She wondered how a young girl of six could control and school her features so well. She finally decided that it must have taken a lot of practice and that made her heart ache. No one, especially children should have to hide their pain. They should always have someone to share it with.

"The children in school already don't like me .How would they react if they knew I was smarter than them? Besides the teacher said that I'm not really smart".

"Melanie you make shouldn't have to hide how smart you are to make friends. They should love you for who you are and as for that teacher show her that she's wrong. Show her how incredibly smart you are. Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you fail".

Melanie nodded thoughtfully. " You're right. I never thought of it that way".

Lisa grinned happily.

"You know what, you might not be so dumb after all".

Lisa's smile dropped and she scowled across the table at Melanie who didn't look fazed in the least. "Don't forget our deal", she reminded.

"Here's you meal , ladies", the guy place their meal before them then disappeared.

"Hmm, look what the cat dragged in. Don't you have more hospital rooms to clean or something? ".

Lisa looked up at the familiar voice and saw Nancy standing in front of there table. She leveled Lisa with a look of disgust. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a red tank top. Her breast were spilling out over the neck line. Her  mascara was thick and she wore a hot red lip stick. Although Lisa hated to admit it she looked good, well better than last time.

"Hello Nancy, what a surprise to see you here", Melanie said from across the table.

"A pleasant  one I hope", Nancy turned to look at her with arched brows.

"Ummm, not really. I don't think the word pleasant can be associated with you", Melanie replied and Lisa chuckled lowly.

"Whatever", Nancy rolled her eyes and turned back to Lisa. "Why is Melanie here with you and where is my boyfriend?".

When Lisa hear Nancy refer to Brian as her boyfriend her heart squeezed painfully in her chest.

"I don't see how that's any of your business", she replied quietly , picking up a few fries and shoving them in her mouth grumpily.

Nancy sighed in irritation and turned back to Melanie.

"Where's your father?', she demanded.

"Am I my father's keeper?".

"I have no time for this  nonsense", she declared. She turned back to Lisa, "You should really lay off the carbs. You're really starting to look like porky the pig", and with that she stalked off.

"You shouldn't let her get to you", Melanie told her biting into her burger.

"Easy for you to say", she retorted. "You're not the one she called fat".

"She may not have been entirely wrong", Melanie teased.

Lisa rolled her eyes and bit into her burger. They finished their meal , paid for it then went home in a good mood.

 So  read this great book on wattpad it's called 'The Alphas mine'. you guys should totally check I out.

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