Chapter 30

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Heyyyy! Y'all missed me? Huh, did ya?

*Gets serious all of a sudden*

I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing else i can do to make this chapter better so i'm just going to let it rip like a really stink fart!!!


Charlotte's head snapped up and she and Lisa stared at each other . Lisa gasped and her hand flew up to cover her mouth as she stared at Charlotte's face. All the while they were talking Charlotte managed to keep her face hidden but Lisa could see it clearly now.

Her honey coloured locks were a tangled mess framed around a creamy face that made the bruises on her cheek, her busted lips and her black eye look even worst. She didn't even want to think what the rest of her body looked like.

"Oh my God", was all she could say as she stared at her.

Charlotte ducked her head muttering "I think she thought that Brian did this", she gestured to both their faces.

Lisa just stared at her with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"We'd better go save him. I think she's crazy",Charlotte spoke again but Lisa was still taking in her discoloured face and trying to figure out how a man could do this to someone he loved.

"Lisa",Charlotte snapped a finger on front of her face looking both annoyed and embarrassed.

"Oh right. Yeah, I should probably go and clear that up before she breaks his other arm",she stood up wincing.

"I'll come with you",Charlotte said running a hand through her hair to untangle it. When she realized that she was making little progress she just sighed and dropped her hands to her sides, wincing at the pain it must've caused her.

"You don't have to. If you're not feeling-"

"No i want to see this",Charlotte waved her off, walking to the door and pulling it open. Every move she made looked painful but she seemed determined so Lisa shrugged it off, trailing behind her slowly so as not to cause herself unnecessary pain.

Once they were at the bottom of the stairs noises could be heard coming from the kitchen.

"Hurry up. I don't want to miss this",grabbing her hand, Charlotte dragged her to the kitchen.

They both paused in front of the door and her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw Shelly beating Brian with a wooden pot spoon.

"So you like beating on innocent women, huh? Is that what gets you off? And to think that i actually liked you! Well how does it feel now that the tables have turned?", Shelly was squatting in front of a handcuffed Brian who was sitting on the floor.

Lisa briefly wondered how such a small person like Shelly.managed to get someone as big as Brian into handcuffs but she didn't bother to ask since she wasn't really sure if she wanted to know.

" For the hundredth time woman, i didn't  hit either of them. I would never hit a woman, especially  Lisa", Brian bit out in exasperation.

" Oh really? Then how do you explain those bruises on their skin?", she crossed her arms across her chest and shifted so she was now sitting in front of him. "Before you answer that let me ask you this: have you ever spanked your daughter?".

Brian groaned. " Yes i have now get me out of this thing or else......".

" Ah hah!  I knew it! You just said that you would never hit a woman but now you're saying that you've spanked your daughter. You liar!".

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