Chapter 20

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 A knock on the door woke Lisa. She had finally fallen asleep just before the break of dawn. She got out of bed rubbing her eyes sleepily. she pulled open the door to find Brian standing there in all his glory. He was dressed in dark jeans and a purple t-shirt. The shirt contrasted nicely against the darkness of his hair and his brilliant blue eyes.

"What do you want?", she pouted up at him sleepily.

"Nothing. I just came to inform you that you can sleep in today. I'm taking Melanie to school, okay?".

"Why didn't you let me sleep? You could've left the message with James or something?", she asked grumpily.

"Awe, look who's testy when they haven't gotten their full seven hours " , he tapped her nose playfully.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, swatting his hand away. Her plan was to act professional at all times but he was making it really hard.

"Okay then, i'll see you when you return", she said stiffly .

He frowned down at her then nodded and walked away.


Brian held his daughters hand as they walked down the hall. The children were either making fun and whispering about Melanie or simply staring at them.

"If something the matter", he asked a particular boy who was point and whispering to his friends.

They boy's eyes widened in shock and he quickly shook his head before running off with his friends close behind.

He sighed and shook his head. He knew Melanie had no friends but he had no idea that the children made fun of her. They turned the corner and stopped at Melanie's classroom door. Through the little glass window in the door he saw Jenny Parker , Mel's class teacher sitting at her desk. He knocked on the door once and walked in without waiting for an answer. She glanced up and smiled when she saw them.

"Melanie would you sit here while i talk to Ms. Jenny in private please?". He looked down at Melanie and she nodded walking off to the back of the class where she sat down and stared out the window.

He sighed again and led the way out of the class with Jenny following closely behind.They went outside an sat on the one of the benches under the trees far away from listening ears.

"What can i do for you Brian?I haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?", Jenny asked smiling up at him softly.

"I've been good, Jenny and how are you?", he asked politely.

"I'm wonderful . I'm doing what i love and enjoying it", she was so sunny it reminded her of Lisa.

"That's good to hear. I came to talk to you about , Melanie. How is she doing?".

Jenny sighed and shook her head sadly. " Melanie is a great kid and she's really smart but it's like she's afraid to show it. She and Ms. Casey Liverpool doesn't get along at all though. I don't think they like each other".

"Are you aware that some of the other kids are making fun of Melanie and possibly bullying her?".

She nodded again. "I've punished them a few times and have also complained to some of their parents . They stopped for a while but Lillian has recently been trying to stroke up a fire".

 He nodded in understanding. "Yeah, they used to be such friends but i just don't know what happened", he shook his head wondering if Lisa knew about Lillian's attitude towards Melanie and if that's why she asked him about her.

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep the situation under control , Jenny cause i'd hate to have to interfere", he stood up and offered his hand to her. She took it and let him help her up.

"It was really nice seeing you, Jenny", he let go of her hand and stepped back.

"It was great seeing you too Brian", she moved in and hugged him a few seconds too long.

After saying goodbye to Melanie and having Jenny's assurance that Melanie would no longer be picked on or bullied, Brian hopped into his car and headed towards home.

He was driving past Donna's Cakes and Pastries Cafe' when something red caught his eyes. He squinted a bit and focused on the object. It was Nancy sitting in the Cafe wearing a red top. Across from her was sat a waiter with  hair and what looked like blue eyes. He wasn't sure because of the distance. Brian signaled then pulled over to the curb and got out. He crept close to the window but made sure to stay out of sight. The guy said something and Nancy threw back her head and laughed . Her skin flushed a healthy pink and she truly looked happy. She leaned forward and placed her hand on his , whispering something. He replied and she laughed, leaning forward again to kiss his cheek.

Brian stepped back and ran a hand through his hair. She looked really happy , sitting there. She was never that happy with him. Sure he made her laugh and all that but it was nothing compared to how she was now.  She even had that puppy love look and from how the guy was gazing at her , he could tell that the feeling was mutual.

He went back to his car and took off. It was decided. He had to let her go. It wasn't fair for her t be with someone who didn't love her and it certainly isn't fair to string Lisa along.They both deserved better and it was really selfish of him to want to keep them both.


Lisa hopped out of bed as soon as Brian's  car left the garage. There was no way she was gong back to sleep so she might as well get up. She took a shower , pulled on a pink wrap dress and a ballet shoes,made her bed then went downstairs for breakfast.                                                                     

 No one was down there but there was a plate filled with eggs, sausages and toasts with a little note saying' eat me Lisa'. There was also coffee in the machine with a note saying ' Drink me'. She was seriously feeling like Alice and she idly wondered if she should touch the food or drink but quickly shrugged it off and dug in.

She went into the living room and sat down, looking out the at the gardens. she was seriously feeling home-sick. She missed her Shelly but mos of all she missed her mom. Before her mind had enough time to dwell on it further she snatched up the phone and punched in Shelly's number.


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