I don't believe in if anymore...

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If I go to school, I'll have lots and lots of friends. I won't have to play with only Rosy anymore. (She's the jealous type and I don't think she will like it very much.) If I do sport, I will be the best. If I grow up I will be the best looking of them all! If I meet my mate, it will be as everyone says!

 Yip that was childhood dreams.

 Early on I had to learn that dreams are things that do not come true. I stayed a loner. Growing up my three brothers never had anything to do with me. I doubt that anyone except close friends of my parents and relatives knew I was their sister. I had to see them be part of the popular crowds and be real players. They never invited friends over and if they did, I was banned to my room.

 Early on I learned that I was not good at any sport and I never went for any try outs. I still have mousy blond hair and a pale skin. Because of all the joking, I dress in a way that I disappear - dark, grey coloured jeans and hoodies. I try to never draw any attention towards me and yip, you guessed it - I don't have any friends.

 Paul, one of my adorable brothers, tends to make fun of me and never misses an opportunity to make me the laugh of the school. I therefor never go to their games and am never seen in public close to him or his friends. Yip, he is still in school with me and although I started to disbelieve in if, I do think that things could be different next year when he is off to college.

 Marco, my eldest brother is happily mated and married, living in the woods near the pack house. Ryan is off at college and like Paul, he still has to find his mate.

 Me, I'm fifteen and too young to know if I have a mate close by. I don't want to find my mate. Listening to Paul and his friends, no one in their right mind would want me for a mate. All I can do, according to them is read.

 What they don't know can't hurt them, can it?

I don't believe in if anymore...Where stories live. Discover now