Chapter 3

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 Mrs Jones is one of the best and kindest teachers any student could ever have. In her quiet manner she projects authority and you cannot help to have respect for this petite lady.

 In her class we have to sit in alphabetical order and on the plus side Grey sits away from me. On the down side Scott and Swift is way to close and yet again I find Anthony sitting in front of me. As it works out I sit at the back of the class this year, another plus. I am going to like English more than other years that were until I saw Rose sitting on my left.

"Oh, no! Does it have to be you next to me? I swear I won't be able to stand the stench for a year!" Looking up I see her pout. Where did things go wrong? Thinking back I only remember the times we used to be friends. Not good friends in the sense of sleepovers and secret sharing, but playing together when the pack came together for meetings and picnics. She was the only one I ever considered a friend and for the life of me I cannot remember when we turned out like this.

 "Cut it out , Rose" Wow! Was that Anthony, again. Twice in one day? Something must be wrong. Maybe he is sick?

 I glance at him, making sure not to make eye contact. He has grown - became more mature and more build.  His brown hair is cut in an army style, which attributes to the aggressive and respected figure of being the next Alpha. Focusing more on him I can see the vain pulsing in his neck and then : "Why am I feeling so strange? What is that smell? I Know everyone's smell, but this one..."

 He starts looking around. I blink and look down. Frowning, I try to concentrate on the book in front of me. Please, not him!

 "Zee?" I jerk when Mrs Jones says my name.


 "Do you need to go to the nurse? You need to relax your hands before you brake the table, dear." She is talking soft and I can only hear caring in her voice, not the teasing I am accustomed to by students.

 I blink my eyes. My body is shaking and sticky sweat drops are running down the side of my face.

 She touches my hand to try and get my attention. She jerks her hand away, rubbing it fiercely.

 "Oh, my! Someone call the doctor."

 Then he is there. Josh. Touching my face. I feel the heated sparks from his hand going through to the rest of my body. Do not look in his eyes. Concentrate on his lips. He has beautiful full and... His lips are moving, but I cannot hear his voice. And then everything goes dark.


"Ziona, honey. Open your eyes."

 Dad? Why is dad here? Isn't he out with the Alpha.

 My eyes feel heavy and I find it hard to breath...

 "Zee. Baby it is starting. Try to regulate your breathing. Concentrate on your breathing."

 An icy ripple goes down my spine. This is really wrong. First: it's too early. Second: it should be painful, not cold.


 I can make out my mother's whimpering. She is crying? Why?

"Eva, you should stop crying, dear. She hears you."

"Why is this happening now? She was not even supposed to phase at all. All the signs showed that she is not a nor..."

 "Don't! We knew she was different, but she is a normal she wolf. Don't ever say she is not normal. Hasn't she been through enough?"


Screaming. Stop the screaming, somebody. Please! Pain... No, freezing....


"When is it going to stop, Carl? It's been 18 hours already." Dad sounds really worried.

 "It is hard to say, Marco. I tried to read about similar cases, but this is either the first case ever or it has not been recorded yet. Just try to keep her calm. Keep talking to her as much as you can." The pack doctor sounds confused - which is a first for him.

 "Eva is with her now, but she is to emotional. I'll go in and tell her to get some rest."

 Wait! They are not next to me? How can I hear them....

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