Chapter 1

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The first day of school is never a good day for me. Hearing everyone talk about the wonderful holiday they had with their friends, who phased and who found their mates are really not top of the list of things I want to know.

Top of my list:

One: Avoid Paul at all costs!

Two: Do NOT make eye contact with any one - this is the year I come of age and there is only a month before I turn sixteen. My wolf is starting to come forward and with eye contact I could find him - not good!

Three: Do not draw any attention to self!

That would be easy enough!

I gave myself one more look in the mirror. My hair, tied in a pony, was covered by the hoodie. I applied lip balm, not lip-gloss for obvious reasons. Good. I'll fade into the background as usual.

I ran up the stairs towards the kitchen. My room is in the basement - way cool. I grabbed an apple and kissed mom on the cheek.

"Where are you this morning, mom?"

"Thinking of dad. I wish he did not have to go out with the Alpha this morning. I'm edgy. Something is not right..."

"You always say that mom and he is always fine when they get back."

"You'll know what it is like when you are mated Zee."

I stopped the snort just in time.

 I kissed her cheek again. "See you after school, mom"

"Have a good one, Zee."

My mother was worried for my dad because of his age. He’s getting slower and that’s dangerous if you’re the Beta of the pack. He does not have the strength and power that the Alpha has and it is starting to count against him.

 Yes, they are the same age and the Alpha's son is too young to take over. Anthony Scott's, our next Alpha, sixteenth birthday was in two days’ time. He had special training all of last year. Being an Alpha he already phased. He would be back at school today, but there was a big party on Saturday to welcome him back and to celebrate his birthday. He still has two years to go before he would take over from Alpha Scott.  I also have my doubts as to if my father would last that long.

Shoot! I have to run to be on time. Not good! Especially if you wanted to stay off the radar!

I slid on the gravel in front of the school, lost my balance and landed smack on my butt in front of the main entrance...

 "Way to go, Zit! You did that one all on your own!"

 "No way would some man want to get his hands on those now! They must be split in half!" That’s John for you! He was Paul's big friend. The one with the big mouth and the big body. Not fat, but build like the damn Hulk. No one would dare to go against him because of his build.

 Shrinking and putting the hoodie over my head, I shied away from Paul and his macho friends.  Their teasing and insults were easily blocked out. I've taught myself to block long ago.

Why was it so quiet all of a sudden? Careful not to make eye contact with any one, I looked around. And there he was. The only one that ever came up for me when we were in grade school. Anthony Scott. All eyes were on him and the drop dead beautiful Arianna who was standing in his arms. He must have said something.

 "Get to class every one! No need to be late on the first day!" Mr Warren was one of the more strict teachers around and no one liked to cross lines with him.

 I adjusted my bag and walked, (more like scrammed) off quickly. First class was my favourite: Math! I love numbers and calculations. 

 Slumping down at the back corner of the class, I heard the chair next to me and smelled an all too familiar smell. I keep looking at the floor and ignore the anxious feeling.


It was four years back.  Paul and Ryan had a field day teasing me and belittling me in front of the pack. Anthony came up to them and called them off. He helped me up and told me to go wash my face. That was the first time someone came up for me, but then I heard him: "Come on guys. She is so not worth it! You're just giving her the attention she does not deserve"

 That was the first day I realised I was different.

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