Chapter 6

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My room was the coolest room ever.

I lay on my soft bed, snuggling into my blankets.  I felt hot, but safe and did not want to get out from under the covers. There was not much going on in the memorabilia division of my room.  I loved the photo’s I took from my family that were scattered here and there.

I loved the ‘cabin in the woods’ theme, so naturally I had earthy tones, mixed with accents of reds and oranges. I had a homework station – yip the absence of friends made me a nerd. Here you would find my laptop, printer, camera equipment and stereo.

Then there was my favourite station, more like studio. An electric piano, guitar and saxophone were found around here with the speakers, mixers and amplifiers that made out the highlight of my existence. Nobody knew about this hidden talent and I planned to keep it that way. It was my escape and I didn’t want to share my soul with others, ever! It helped to have a soundproof room.

My eyes wondered to the other corner in my room. I love making things. Designing and painting is great, but sadly runs behind by a mile from my love of music.

Getting restless, I got up and sat behind my piano. I ran my fingers up and down the keys and humming a tune. The image of the white wolf was so clear, I wanted to reach out and touch it. I wondered who he is. Those beautiful light brown eyes made my inner wolf stir just thinking of them. I wondered if he was standing in front of a fire or if the sun was going down right behind him in my vision when I saw him. There was this orange glow around him that made him look very mysterious in a good kind of way.

After about an hour of daydreaming about this mystical animal and playing around with the new tune and lyrics in my head, I felt exhausted. I fell down on my bed and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.


I woke up, feeling refreshed and ready to conquer…. What!? I’ve never felt like this. Like I could face anything outside of my room. This was just so strange!

“Do you think she’s awake?” I turned to look at my closed door. WTF? It’s closed. Soundproof. There’s just no way I could hear my mom through my door!

“You know she has never been one to sleep in, Eva. She’ll come out when she is ready. Don’t push her.”

Huh? What was dad on about?

“Did you see the change? Her eyes are different. Maybe she is not no…..different too.”

“Eva, please. Don’t work yourself up. I saw her eyes and the way she moves now, but her behaviour did not change.”

“How do you know after spending so little time with her?” Mum sounded frightened. Why? Was she scared of me?

“What time is Carl coming?”

“He said he’ll be here around seven, Honey. Please try to calm yourself. I don’t see any need for you to be worried.”

Looking at the alarm clock next to my bed, I realised that I slept later than my normal time of four in the morning. I had never been able to sleep past six o’clock. I had about forty minutes to take a shower and have breakfast before the pack doctor got here.

Walking out of my room after a refreshing shower, I heard Mum in the kitchen.

“Morning, Zee. You sound chirpy today. It’s a nice tune you are humming.”

“Morning, Mum. Thanks.” I frowned when she hurried to the other side of the island in the middle of the kitchen. Her heartbeat was exhilarating. “I did not even realise I was humming. Where is dad?”

“He went to open the door for Carl.”

“He is here already?”

“Yes. Your dad wanted to talk to him before they call you. A…are you hungry?”

“Mum? Why are you frightened?”

“It’s n…nothing. I….” She dropped the glass in her hand when she looked at me. I hurried around the counter to help her, when all of a sudden she squealed, jumped around and ran down the hallway.

Frozen in my tracks I looked up into the stainless steel kettle and gasped…

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