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"How did you two meet?" Williams asked sitting forward in her chair.

"I used to play drums in a band about a year and a half ago, he heard about us from a mutual friend so he came to the show and he stuck around afterwards, introduced himself and we started talking and then we just couldn't stop, we talked all night maybe? After that we were always hanging out after school and then whenever I wasn't working." Josh smiled at the fond memory before it was tainted with a pang of sadness.

"When exactly was the last time you saw Tyler, please Joshua?" Wentz continued.

"The night of the 4th or the morning of the 5th I guess, we were out pretty late." Josh's voice was thick with his blocked nose from all the cry, he sniffed heavily and wiped his eyes, desperate to regain control of his emotions again.

"How late?"

"I think I got home about 3am."

"And what time did Tyler get home do you think? Or did Tyler not go home?"

"I dropped him at his house about 10 minutes before I got home, we don't live that far from each other."

"So you saw Tyler re-enter his home before you drove off?" Williams questioned.

"Yes, no," Josh squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't know, he was entering his house as I drove off, I think, I already told you all of this." Josh said frustrated, rubbing his face with a hand.

"So you saw him entering his house before you drove off but you didn't see him fully enter and close the door behind himself?" Williams specified.

"Ye-yes." Josh said, his head pounding, he took a shaky sip of his water.

"Why were you two out that night?"

"We always do it, Tyler doesn't really sleep, he texts me and asks me to pick him up and then we just, drive around a bit."

"And what do you do when you drive around?" Wentz pushed.

Josh shrugged. "I don't know, talk mainly, sometimes we go to the overpass and sit and sometimes we go to get food, sometimes we just go out to the corn fields and park somewhere off road and look at the stars, I let him decide."

"How often would you say you did this?" Wentz pushed.

"At least twice a week, sometimes more, we've been doing it ever since we became friends."

"And did you always stay out 'til 3am?" Williams asked.

"Yeah, sometimes earlier, like 2am if it was a school night, he'd protest but I'd make sure he went to bed because school is important, he- he was gonna get a scholarship and I wanted him to get it ya know? I wanted him to get out of here."

"So on the night of the 4th he text you and asked to hang out like normal? Nothing was suspicious?"

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