Chapter 5

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"We'll check on Ema after we take a nap, damnit. Daichi, we haven't slept for the past 48 hours" Suga said as he sunk into the sofa.

"You're right.. We deserve at least a nap" Daichi said and sat down next to Suga.

"I'll call Hinata and tell him to find out her address. For now, let's sleep" Suga yawned before taking his phone and texting Hinata, who was probably walking around with Kageyama somewhere.

When Suga turned to Daichi, he was already asleep, he was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Once Hinata got the message he immediately went to work, Tobio tagged along of course. Those two were always together.

"I feel bad for Daichi.. I would take like three months off if it would have happened to me" Kageyama said as he finished drinking his tea.

"Same, he's so hardworking, Suga is also really focused on the case. Let's find out where she lives, I hope we can end the case soon so we can all go home" Hinata started typing something and waiting for the program to find Ema's information.

Cases like these were the hardest, especially for Hinata and Kageyama who were still newbies at this job.

"Oh, look, found it" Hinata said as the program found a match.

"She has no criminal records, but that's not rare. Let's give them time to rest and only then tell them about this. Just text Suga the information, he's probably sleeping anyway" Kageyama said and Hinata quickly typed in the message.

It wasn't till around 2 hours later when Suga finally texted back and Daichi woke up from his slumber. Even though he was still, he was determined to do something already.

"I got the address, let's go" Suga stood up and headed towards the door, a little bit disoriented Daichi followed him and soon they were outside.

It was getting dark, but they still had a job to do. Ema's place was further than they expected, so they only reached it around 30 minutes later.

As Daichi stepped out of the car a bad feeling hit him.

"Suga.. Something's wrong" Daichi said quietly.

"Why do you say that?" Suga asked as he was a bit confused.

"I don't know.. I have a bad feeling about this" Daichi sighed and walked to the porch. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. So he knocked again - no answer.

"Break down the door" Suga said and stepped back. Daichi kicked the door a few times before it opened and some kind of odd smell hit them.

They both walked inside and were met by a scene out of the horror movie. A girl was lying in a middle of the living room, the floor was covered in blood and her face was damaged beyond recognition.

Suga quickly took out his phone and called for the investigator team.

"I knew I felt something bad... Do you think it's related to Izumo's murder?" Daichi asked as he turned to Suga.

"I'm not sure, but maybe.. I mean, both of them were killed in their living room, both got hit in the head.. Maybe it's a pattern" Suga said as he started the investigation.

The team arrived quickly and the process of investigation started, however just like the last time - they couldn't find anything. All the windows were closed, the doors were locked, no things were touched, nothing was stolen, from the looks of it - Ema wasn't sexually assaulted. It seemed like she had been dead for around two days too, that's around the same time as Izumo died.

"Who is the bastard that's doing this? Are they only targetting women or does it have something to do with me?" Daichi asked himself as he decided to catch a breath outside.

"Don't worry, we always get to the bottom of our cases, we'll find whoever did this" Suga patted Daichi's shoulder, startling him a bit.

"Yeah.. I know.. Let's send the body for an autopsy immediately, maybe it's the same murder weapon" Daichi said and Suga walked back inside to inform the investigators.

"Sir!" someone called Daichi. He turned his head to the right and saw an elderly man walking towards him.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Daichi asked.

"I take care of this neighbourhood and always take photos if something seems odd or out of the ordinary, I have some photos of the car that was parked here, I know for a fact that the girl didn't have a boyfriend and that car wasn't hers" the elderly man handed Daichi photos of a black car parked near the house.

"Thank you, sir. I'm sure these will be a great help to our investigation" Daichi thanked him and watched as he walked away. He looked at the photos once more, a smile crept on his face. "Finally.. I'll find you"

Is Ema's murder related to the main case?

Could the car in the photos belong to the real killer?




Riiiight, so Enigmatical is heading towards the end! Hope you're all excited for the ending.


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