Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: I suck at writing fan fiction, but thank you for reading anyway. I hope you enjoy it even with my crappy writing.)

Her parents dropped her off in front of a little house. Sena's parents just threw her stuff out of the window while putting on their sunglasses. They said their good-byes. Sena watched her parents purple sports car drive away. She stared at the rear until it was gone. She then picked up her suitcases and stuffed animals and went inside.

The doorknob was so easy to turn. It wasn't everyday easy, it was super easy and shiny, dark blue. Sena took an hour to admire the glorious doorknob. She twisted it, poked it, and blew on it. She loved the click noise it made when she tapped it with her fingernail. She laughed hard, causing her to drop her things.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Sena quickly closed her mouth and whipped around. A tall man with bright red hair looked at her with piercing ice blue eyes.

Sena nodded and picked up her things as quietly as she could. She could feel his stares burn through the back on her head. She soon heard a door shut behind her. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. She picked up the rest of her things. She rushed into her new house and slammed the door. She dropped everything in her hands. Sena smiled. A boy talked to her for the first time ever. She felt her face getting hot. She knew she was blushing pretty bad. Her face redder than the rose petals surrounding her floor. She went back to normal when she noticed the rose petals. Sena began circling around the petals. She wondered where they came from. She bent over to pick up one, but the petal crumbled in her hand. She shrugged it off and picked up the rose petals. She tossed them out her newly open window. A long pause. She never opened a window. Sena felt a brush of wind hit face. The wind whipped her wavy, dark brown hair all around her face.

"You smell quite nice this evening," a dark voice commented behind Sena.

"Th-thank you," Sena stuttered by habit. She was taught too well.

Sena felt a hand rest on her shoulder. Her body forced itself to shiver. The thing's hand slid down her arm. Luckily, Sena was wearing a long sleeve shirt. Sena could feel the thing smile behind her. It kissed her neck. At least it's lips were soft. Sena felt his breath against her neck. Sena looked down to see it's mouth wide open. It revealed sharp fangs that were hidden behind it's lips. Sena closed her eyes.

A breeze soon hit Sena's back. She heard holy words being spoken behind her. She noticed the hand, on her shoulder, begin to turn into ash. Sena quickly turned around to see the red headed guy holding a silver cross necklace and a bible. He rushed over when he knew the thing was dead.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Sena stared at him and nodded.

He smiled, "Good."

Sena rubbed her arm, nervously. He walked over to her. She felt her body shiver as soon as he placed his hand on her shoulder. He dragged her around the house, looking around to see if anymore bad things were in Sena's house. Sena's heart pounded faster with every step she took. Her relationship with guys are not the best since she could never talk to one. Now, one was dragging her around her house. He checked the last room and finally let Sena's hand go. Sena quickly held her hands behind her back. The guy slowly walked into the master bedroom. He held his cross out in front of him. Sena watched him from the doorway. He paced around Sena's, soon to be, bedroom. He soon put down his cross. He turned around with a smile.

"You're in the clear," he smiled. "There are no more vampires."

Sena bowed thankfully. Her body shivered with nervousness. She never knew why she couldn't talk to guys. They are just like everyone else, aka girls.

"I'm Lindo, by the way," Sena stood up straight to look at the guy.

Lindo. Such a nice name. If only she could tell him. She followed him out the door. She waved good-bye to him when his back was turned. Sena rushed inside and started decorating in her mind. She might put it all together later.

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