Chapter 4

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"Sena?" Sena opened her eyes to see Ritsuka, shaking her.

"Sorry," Sena said while rubbing her eyes, "I fell asleep without realizing it."

Ritsuka smiled, "Let's have a sleep over."

Sena's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"

Ritsuka nodded, "I don't see a problem. I'll help you talk to Lindo."

"Thank you," Sena smiled. "Should I get my things from my house?"

"Lindo has all ready covered it," Ritsuka pointed to some of Sena's clothes in the corner.

Sena rolled onto her stomach and crawled over to them. Lindo even brought over her lavender perfume along with her brush. Her toothbrush and toothpaste were even there. Lindo was so cool. She really wanted to tell him that.

Sena smacked her forehead then turned to face Ritsuka, "Tell Lindo, thank you, for me."

Ritsuka nodded while she stood up. She left the room. Sena rolled around on the comfortable floor one last time. Sena closed her eyes to relax, but she was interrupted with a tap on the window. Sena sat up and looked out the window. Mage was standing there. He stared at her with a creepy grin on his face. Sena sneaked outside.

"It's about time you came out," Mage grinned.

Sena stuck her tongue out, but she quickly put it back in. Mage scooped her up in his arms. He then kicked off the ground and began flying. He created a portal then flew through it. They were transported to a wonderful beach. The sun had begun to hide behind the sea. The colors of the sunset covered everything. The breeze was just right. Sena felt the wind flow through each strand of her hair. It was so beautiful. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound off the little waves.

"I wonder if your tears are sweet," she heard Mage say.

Sena opened her eyes. They both looked at each other. Sena could see her green eyes reflection in his yellow eyes. His eyes sparkled as the sunlight shined on them. Sena figured she should do something to thank him for showing her this place without telling him. She couldn't bow since they were in the air. He wanted to see if her tears were sweet. She had to make herself cry. This was weird, she knew that. She just didn't care. She had to thank him no matter how disturbing. Sena placed her hands behind her back. Her nails dug into a piece of skin. She kept pressing down harder and harder until she felt blood run down her fingers. Mage looked at her the whole time.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

A tear ran down her cheek. She lifted it with her finger and put her finger against his lips. He blushed. After a while he licked the tear that lingered on Sena's finger.

He began coughing, "Your tears are too salty!"

Sena gasped. She didn't know. She really wanted to apologize.

"But I have to say, they are pretty addicting," he smiled while licking his lips.

Mage's face slowly got closer to hers. He got so close that Sena could feel his breath against her lips. She watched as his lips inched closer and closer to her lips. Mage's eyes closed. That's when she knew what was going on. She quickly pushed his face away, causing her to fall. Luckily, she landed in the water. The water was nice and warm. She watched her brown hair change to blue. A bright ocean blue. She opened her eyes to see so many fish circling around her. She smiled. They were all so beautiful. The sun's rays reflected off a few fish's scales. She spun around. She watched her hair sparkle and flow through the water.

"Sena!" Mage yelled.

He reached into the water and pulled Sena out of the water. Her hair changed back to brown as it left the water. Mage did not look like he noticed the hair change. The water probably covered her, so he was not able to see. Sena was a little disappointed. She wanted to show it off. She didn't know what happened, but it fascinated her.

"Sorry about that," he blushed.

Sena patted his head. That was all she could do. She needed to learn how to talk to guys. Lindo was willing to help her. Maybe he was still up for it. Mage brought her to Ritsuka's house to drop her off.

He played with the bun in his hair, "Thank you for a nice time."

She smiled and bowed. She rushed inside. She ran to the nearest window. She watched as Mage walked away. She kept watching until he was gone. She walked in to Ritsuka's room. Ritsuka laid on her bed, studying for a test they had the next day. Sena crawled in bed beside her.

"May I study with you?" she asked.

Ritsuka nodded. She moved the notes between them. The girls studied and before they knew it, fell asleep.

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