Chapter 3

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Sena ran all the way home, not stopping. She slammed the door behind her. She slid down to the floor to catch her breath. She wanted to help. She really did. She just wasn't powerful yet. She was the only goddess left. The vampires killed all the others. So no one is left to teach her. All Sena wanted was to to be a normal girl. Now, these devils showed up and asked her to join two worlds together.

"Sena?" she heard someone knock on the door.

Sena stood up and opened the door. Lindo was standing there. Sena's body just fell apart. Why couldn't it have been Ritsuka at the door? Sena's body began the shiver with nervousness.

"I saw you running. Is everything okay?" he asked.

Sena nods. She really was okay. She had no scratches. Hopefully she didn't end up alone with Rem again. She knew that was wishful thinking. Lindo forced his way passed Sena. 

"You're not able to talk to guys, right?" Lindo saw right passed her.

Sena sighed and nodded. She was never able to talk to boys. Ever since she was little. Lindo ordered Sena to shut the door. She did. She guessed he wanted to help her. She was right.

Lindo forced her to sit on the floor with him since there was no furniture yet. He forced her to look at him.

"Tell me your name," Lindo said.

Sena could feel her body begin to sweat a little. Gross. Lindo didn't seem to notice, and she wasn't going to tell him anytime soon. Did he really think this could be fixed over night? Lindo took her hand. He then placed it against his heart. He took her other hand. Then, placed it against your heart.

"Guys and girls are the same. We both have a heart beat . . ." Lindo paused for a while. "Some of them." he smiled and held her hand tighter. "There are bad guys and bad girls. There are also good guys and good girls. We are the same, but also different. But we have the same emotions. Some of us just forget how to use them."

Sena's body relaxed a little. She even smiled. His words touched her. She never thought of them that way. Maybe guys and girls really were the same, but they could also be really different. Sena felt this rush of confidence. Until . . .

Someone busted through Sena's living room window. Glass shards got thrown everywhere. Cutting Sena quite a bit. Lindo pulled Sena close to him, but it didn't stop the glass from slicing her skin. Sena shut her eyes tightly to keep the glass from getting into them. She could hear the glass falling onto one another.

The noise of glass soon stopped. Sena slowly opened her eyes. She looked around to make sure she's still in her house. She was. She looked up at Lindo. He did not seem very pleased of the new house guest. Lindo pulled Sena to her feet as he got up. He took his cross out and chanted some holy words. The thing near the window began to crumble. Must be another vampire. Lindo grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her house.

"Damn vampires!" Lindo yelled.

Lindo dragged Sena into the house across the street. She stared at the doorknob while Lindo was looking for his house keys. Sena twisted the locked doorknob. She loved the quick click sound. Lindo unlocked the door. He dragged her inside.

"Stay here while I investigate your house again," Lindo demanded.

Sena nodded obediently. She watched Lindo run around the house, looking for what he needs. She sat on the couch, so she wasn't in his way. He closed the door when he left. Sena stood up and explored the house. She looked in the bathroom, bedrooms, and kitchen. Sena searched around to make sure Lindo wasn't home. When she was certain no one was home. She rolled around on the bedroom floor. It was more comfortable than it looked. She closed her eyes and thought of the lyrics Rem sang. He sounded very desperate. Sena started to sing her own little song.

Sena's DevilsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant