Chapter 5

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Sena and Ritsuka were rudely woken up by the sun. Lindo had opened the curtains in order to wake them. Sena tried so hard not to laugh at the sight of Lindo wearing an apron. Sena let out a slight giggle. Luckily, no one noticed. Lindo pulled both girls out of bed. He pulled them all the way to the table. Sena stared at all the wonderful food Lindo had given them. Ritsuka didn't seem as impressed as Sena, but that was probably because she was used to all this. Sena wished she had a Lindo in her house, except in girl form. Sena then imagined Lindo as a girl. She bursted out laughing. Lindo was better off a guy, but Sena had to admit, he would be one awesome girl. Sena shook the thought from her mind. She ate her breakfast as slowly as she could... for the first few seconds. The plate was gone in under a minute.

"You can go ahead and get ready. I think I brought everything you needed," Lindo said while picking up her spotless plate.

Sena smiled and rushed into Ritsuka's room to gather her things. She slept in her school uniform, so it was fine. Sena walked into the bathroom. She laid out her all her bathroom supplies: toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, and perfume. Perfect. She brushed her teeth with her purple toothbrush and bubble gum flavored toothpaste. She rinsed her mouth out with water. The water tasted amazing. Some people say that water doesn't have, it does. The water tasted icy and fresh. Sena drank a lot of cups of water. She smiled. It was the best. Sena sprayed her brush with the lavender scented perfume. Then, she brushed her hair. Sena loved her hair. Even when it would get frizzy and staticy during the winter. Sena closed her eyes and began thinking about her mother. Her real mother. Not the one who dropped her off to live on her own. Sena cried a single tear and began to sing about her mother.

"Sena, it's my turn," Ritsuka said from the other side of the door after Sena's song.

Sena looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She would become powerful just like her mother. Sena giggled then rushed out the door.

"I'll meet you at school Ritsuka!" Sena yelled when she left the house.

Sena ran until she bumped into someone. Sena ended up falling onto the sidewalk. She looked up to see Urie. He was holding his hand out. Sena hesitated, but he was trying to help her up. He didn't have to do that. Sena forced a smile and took his hand. He pulled her up, into his arms. He held her tightly. Sena sighed.

"I am terribly sorry, Sena. I did not mean to be in ur way," he talked calmly while petting her hair.

Sena had to admit, being petted wasn't that bad. Sena smiled. She found herself relaxing in his arms. He kept stroking her hair. The school bells rang, causing Sena to snap out of it. She pushed Urie away, bowed, and ran to school.

She rushed into class before the last bell rang. Sena slouched in her desk. She breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath.

"Sena Matthews, please report to the Student Council room," said the intercom. "Sena Matthews, please report to the Student Council room."

She just could not get a break. She stood up then went to the Student Council room. She climbed up the best spiral stairs ever and opened the doors. Urie stood right in the middle of a circle of girls.

"Welcome! Sena dear," he smiled while twirling a rose. "Thank you for joining us my little flower."

Sena blushed a little, but then she looked at the girls. They all wore creepy masks, and they were all staring at her.

"Tsk Tsk," started Urie, "you have made my other flowers jealous."

Sena's legs forced her to back up. She didn't mean to make them jealous. In fact, she has no interest in the guy. Urie used his rose to point at Sena, making the gang of girls run toward her. Sena quickly spun around and ran. She ran around the whole entire school. Sena just could not lose those girls. She decided to go into town. The gang of girls inched closer and closer with every step. Sena's feet began to get tired, forcing her to slow down. After hours of running, Sena's legs finally gave out. She face planted against the concrete. There were girls ganging up on her from both sides. Sena opened her mouth and screamed from the top of her lungs. Everything went blacked out. When everything reappeared, all the girls around her were gone. She looked around. She wondered where they all went. Sena sighed in relief. Whatever happened, saved her.

"You such a powerful little flower," Sena heard Urie's voice, but she couldn't see him. "Until we meet again!"

Sena's DevilsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora