Game time (4)

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We managed to win the first set, by 23:25. It was close, and if this is how the next sets are going to play out, then I think this game is going to last longer than I hoped for.

Now, it's my turn to serve. Unfortunately. The one thing I'm not confident at is serving, because it usually hits the net, leading to me being terribly humiliated by my failure.

I toss the ball up, all concentration on how I'm going to move my body. I jump, hit it, and luckily, it makes it past the net, onto the other side. Daichi obviously receives it with ease. I think he's the best defender I've seen so far. The ball goes up, and it lands in Sugawara's hands, only to be thrown in the air again. Asahi is already in the air, ready to smack it down to our side. He slams his hand down, there's a bang, and they've got a point.

The holy trinity; Daichi, Suga, and Asahi.

They've got the first point of the set. But that doesn't confirm their victory. For all we know, we could turn the game around at any minute, and end up winning this set too.

Let's pretend that this'll happen.

Our points keep over taking the boys team, and their points keep over taking ours, so it's like a roller coaster, going up and down. When something like this happens, I get agitated. It makes me feel on edge. I don't like it.

It's Reta's turn to serve, finally. Maybe she can help us out by scoring us a point. I look at her, the same way I did in the last match, but this time I can't see the same confidence I did before. Instead, I see a nervous wreck. I mouth her name, "Reta! Hey, Reta!"

Her eyes burn into mine, somehow making me feel her fear.

"Do what you did last time... y-you amazing person!" I try to cheer her on, using a compliment usually plants confidence in a person, but I don't think it worked this time. She forces a smile, and returns her focus to the ball in her hands.

She flings it above her, and she hits it to the other side. She doesn't jump. It hits the net, and falls on the floor. Silence, and then the whistle to indicate the opposite team's new point.

"S-S-Sorry!" Her voice is quivering, I can't tell if she's going to cry or not. For a moment, I thought I was looking at a ghost, panic had drained the colour from her face.

"Don't mind, Reta!"
"It's only one point."
"It happens sometimes, no worries."
"It's your first mistake! Don't be so hard on yourself."

Our entire team comforts the frightened Reta, who seems to be loosening up at her friends' encouraging words. We divert our focus back to the game, and we continue. Sugawara seems to have a concerned look on his face, you know, the expression your mum gives you when she has a feeling that you're upset. That look. He glances at the boys on his team, who are also pitiful. Maybe this is where they make a mistake, to give us a chance to grow again, into savage little ladies who hunt for points. If they go easy on us, our score might just grow rapidly enough to make us feel like we can actually win this game.

So, obviously, they ended up not playing the game with all their mite, so us girls are working on a way to make use of this opportunity, and win. But we can't just do one attack whole heartedly, get the point, and then be unable to do it again because the boys realised our full potential. We have to be sneaky, I guess, and steal points slyly.

Right now, the boys have a score of 21, whilst we're stuck at 18. It isn't really going well for us right now, but I'm determined to win this set.

"Ah!" I gasp, suddenly remembering a good technique that could get us a point, whilst making our team look like awesomely skilled volleyball players. It's called a synchronised attack, where more than one attacker run up to spike the ball. I like this attack, it's unpredictable and it's satisfying when it works. Even when being on the receiving side of the attack, it's a fun challenge to try and stop them from succeeding.

After calling a time out and telling our team members of this idea, we stride back to our positions, a mix of excitement and anxiety rushing through our minds and bodies. A boy whose name I do not know hits the ball with a lack of effort over to us, and as soon as it bounces off of Saho's bruised forearms, three players rush toward the net. Me, Reta and another girl are charging for the ball, which is soon going to be set by the one and only Hiyaka. For a second I divert my attention from the ball to the boys. I smirk, seeing the blockers' expressions makes me want to start laughing, right now, in the middle of the court.

We all jump, I don't get the ball, neither does the quiet girl, instead it is smacked down to the ground by Reta. Asahi, one of the people who were preparing themselves to jump up to block, is the only person who leapt in the air in an attempt to stop us from getting to a score count of 19. It didn't work. We cheer at our achievement to completely nail this unknown technique, whilst the boys... they didn't seem too happy.

The game went on like that for a while, our attacks usually being put on hold by Daichi's incredible reflexes and defence, but managing to hit the floor one way or another. Now, we're at 22:21, us being in the lead. Yup. We've managed to go this long without being stopped. I'm buzzing with happiness and sudden energy, my friends seem eager to run around the court and compete. The fact that we only have 3 more points to get to win this set makes us all... excited.

Reta is serving again, and even without turning around, I can imagine her face. A big smile, brought on by pure happiness. I'd call that character development. The volleyball's sudden appearance snaps me out of my day dream, and I get into a better position to receive the upcoming attack. It bounces off Daichi once again, and zooms over in Sugawara's direction. As I take a look at their faces, I realise that they still looked concerned. But not for us, for themselves.

I soon snap out of it. I need to focus harder. Before I know it, Asahi pounces at the ball. His hand is moving...
But my legs aren't.
I fail to move my legs in the direction I know I should go. I'm frozen. My eyes are glued on the ball that is now flying in my direction. Only then, after he had hit the ball, my body thaws and I'm able to move again. My arms lunge forward, in an I'm-about-to-receive position. Funny thing is, my arms don't receive the ball.

My face does.

wag1 lmao
this is what i meant by this stories description... you got hit in the face with a ball 🤷🏼‍♀️ rip
cya next chapter~

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